četrtek, 21. avgust 2014


Miha is a collector already for a long time, and he has a sense for good and special material. He has some great spruces in his collection, which were nursed for a few years, but now they are ready for the first serious interventions. This one we began to prepare two years ago; pasture-spruce was thinned, we opened up the branches and let the light in to the crown.
Miha je kolektor z dolgim stažem in predvsem z občutkom za dober in poseben materijal. V svoji zbirki ima nekaj krasnih smrek, ki jih je nekaj let negoval, zdaj pa so pripravljene na prve resnejše posege. Tole sva začela pripravljat že pred dvema letoma; pašniško smreko sva razredčila, razprla veje in v krošnjo spustila svetlobo.
Spruce as it was collected, spring 2012

First wire on the tree, 2012

The future bonsai and the owner
Two years later Miha brought the spruce in TORA studio, where it was fully wired for the first time. During last two years Miha has also transplanted it in to first bonsai pot.
Dve leti kasneje jo je Miha pripeljal v TORA atelje, kjer je bila prvič v celoti ožičena. Med tem jo je Miha že tudi presadil v prvo bonsajsko posodo.
Spruce as arrived in TORA studio, white background, August 2014
Spruce after, white background, August 2014

The same tree, black background, August 2014

Final image, black background, August 2014

Spruce now has final shape and dynamics. In the future more classic rectangular pot would suit it. When the branches of the tree will mature, than much less branches will be in the crown.  
Smreka je zdaj dobila dokončno obliko in dinamiko. V prihodnosti bi ji pristojala bolj klasična pravoktona posoda. Ko bodo veje dozorele bo v krošnji veliko manj vej, kot jih je v tem trenutku.

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