ponedeljek, 5. oktober 2015


Autumn is slowly coming to the garden

Meanwhile in TORA atelier: Olea oleaster (wild olive) came in to the atelier from Rok's collection. It is a great material from Spain, chuhin size, but extremely neglected. So we put it back to right path. There were three possible fronts, first two are in favorite of existing dead-wood, but the movement is towards back, so we choose te last one.
Med tem v atelejeju TORA: Olea oleaster (divja oljka) je iz Rokove zbirke. Gre za krasen materijal iz Španije, čuhin velikosti, a žal zelo zanemarjen. Postavili smo ga nazaj na pravo pot. Za prednjo stran so bile tri možnosti, prvi dve bi v ospredje postavili že obstoječ mrtev les, toda gibanje je preveč nazaj, tako da sem izbral tretjo predno stran.
Possible front No.:1

Possible front No.:2

Possible front No.:3

Olea oleaster after styling

Dead-wood at the back

But also the front is great

Final result
The work on this oleaster was very hard, the wiring almost impossible, but I tried to do my best. Because this time of the year is not the best for work on Mediteranean species I didn't go all the way. I left a lot of work for next spring. But the tree is now back on the right path.
Delo natem oleastru je bilo zelo zahtevno, žičenje skoraj nemogoče. A dal sem vse od sebe. Ker tudi letni čas ni najboljši za delo na Sredozemskih vrstah, s posegom nisem pretiraval. Še veliko dela sem pustil za naslednjo pomlad. Toda drevo je zdaj nazaj na pravi poti.
The olive was styled in tipical "Spanish" style; there is still a lot of work to do on branch structure, but for now the tree must rest.
Oljka je bila oblikovana v tipično "Španskem" slogu; še veliko je dela s strukturo vej, toda zdaj mora drevo najprej počivati.
Next project ...

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