sobota, 24. oktober 2015


This is a story about the first five years of future bonsai. A quite interesting story. I collected this Pinus sylvestris in spring 2010. It grew on a cliff and when I was returning from the mountain It slid from my shoulder and roll down into the valley. Many branches were broken and root system totally crumbled. Nevertheless the tree survived, although the main trunk didn't. In January 2013 I decided to make a first step. Because the main trun died, I tried to do something out of horizontal branch. Firstly, I wanted to pull up the branch and made the interesting trunk out of it. Because It was very thick I used the sawing technique. All went according to the plan.
To je zgodba o prvih petih letih bodočega bonsaja. Zanimiva zgodba. Ta rdeči bor sem izkopal spomladi 2010. Rastl je na pečini in ko sem se vračal mi je zdrsnil z ramena in se skotalil v dolino. Veliko vej je bilo polomljenih, koreninska gruda povsem raztreščena. Ne glede na vse, je drevo preživelo, čeprav glavno deblo ni. Januarja 2013 sem se odločil za prvi korak. Ker je glavno deblo odmrlo, sem skušal nekaj napraviti iz horizontalne veje. Najprej sem jo hotel potegniti navzgor in iz nje napraviti zanimivo deblo. Ker je zelo debela, sem uporabil tehniko žaganja. Vse je šlo po načrtu.
This is the oldest photo of this tree. The main trunk is dead and on horizontal branch the green mass is very sparse.

This branch must go up. Way up!
One year later tree grew vigorously and I felt that I could go on with styling. I cut the upper branch; but when I tried to bend another - the trunk brake at sawing point. Obviously it was not healed enough. So, after collecting, this was already second accident and again survival of the tree was at risk. After the accident, I immediately stopped working, put the cut paste on the wound and put the tree to rest.
Leto kasneje je drevo veselo rastlo in čutil sem, da lahko nadaljujem z oblikovanjem. Odrezal sem vrhnjo vejo; toda, ko sem želel zviti drugo - se je deblo na točki žaganja spet odprlo. Očitno rana še ni ila dovolj zaceljena. Po izkopu je bila to že druga nesreča s tem drevesom in njegovo reživetje je bilo spet pod vprašajem. Po nesreči sem takoj prenehal z delom, rano zamazal s cepilno smolo in drevo dal počivat.
One year later pine grew vigorously, look how far up the horizontal branch is. Unfortunatelly the wound opened again and the work was stopped
Another year later wound sealed and the tree survived again! So It was time for first serious styling. This time everything went according to the plan, and without accident.
Še eno leto kasneje je bila rana zaceljena in drevo je spet preživelo! Torej je prišel čas za prvo resno oblikovanje. Tokrat je vse šlo po planu in brez nesreč. 

Pinus sylvestris before first styling

After first styling
The tree has a lot of interesting details, a lot of scars, which will always remind me about this story and about how strong this pine is. It is a true survivor!
Drevo ima veliko zanimivih podrobnosti, veliko brazgotin, ki me bodo vedno spominjale na to zgodbo in tudi na to, kako močan je ta bor. Pravi borec!

Ultimate training

Live and dead trunk joined at the base

Pinus sylvestris, October 2015

Development January 2013 - October 2015. Yes, it is the same tree!

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