nedelja, 27. junij 2010


Searching for yamadoris in nature is considered as the best way for collecting bonsai material. Hmmm, maybe, but searching for urban yamadoris could be even better. Ecologically correct, trees are already use to live in shallow pots. In our cities and towns there are a lot of concrete tubes in which trees are growing for decades. And this trees are more then appropriate for bonsaism: Juniperus chinensis is still used in parks, gardens, graveyards ... And when time for renovating arrives this for us valuable material is usually discarded.
This time it will be different. Material from this tubes will not go to the junkyard. In the autumn we'll take care for this juniperus: they'll get a new home and a new future. For ordinary peoples this is just old overgrown bush, but fur us it means a treasure - just cobwebs is need to be wiped away ...

Iskanje jamadorijev v naravi velja za najboljši način pridobivanja vrhunskega bonsajskega materiala. Hmmm, morda res, ampak različica omenjenega načina - urbani jamadori - je morda celo še boljša. Naravovarstveno ni sporna, drevesa so že navajena življenja v posodi. Po naših krajih in mestih je ogromno korit, v katerih že desetletja rastejo drevesa, ki so za bonsajizem več kot primerna: kitajske brine so in še vedno uporabljao tudi po parkih , pokopališčih ... In ko pride čas za obnovo ta za nas neprecenljivi materijal običajno zavržejo. Tokrat bo drugače. Materijal iz teh korit tokrat ne bo šel na odpad. Jeseni bomo poskrbeli za to, da bodo brini dobili novo domovanje in novo prihodnost. Za mnoge zgolj staro, zaraščeno grmovje brez vrednosti, je za nas zaklad, s katerega je zgolj treba odstreti pajčevino ...

P.S.: Thank you Tomaz!

P.S.: Tomaž hvala! 

četrtek, 24. junij 2010


Mark Noelanders representing, by my opinion, top of European bonsaism. He is excellent demonstrator who knows how to pass his knowledge to the audience. He speaks many languages (well, Slovenian is not the one yet) and he mastered all bonsai techniques. On demonstrations which last only few hours he is not afraid working on trees which normally demands at least three days of work. One can just admire the speed of his wiring. But his wiring is not only fast but also technically right. When you are looking at his work you can rarely see some broken needles. "I practice wiring at least couple of hours a day. Every day," is the answer of Marc Noelanders. Even this time he created a masterpiece out of ugly Picea (some could say that it is close to 1000 yrs old ;-) )!

Mark Noelanders je za moj okus špica evropskega bonsajizma. Izjemen demonstrator, ki svoje znanje zna deliti z gledalci. Poliglot (no slovensko še ne zna), njegova tehnika pa dosega nivo mojstrstva. Na demonstracijah, ki trajajo nekaj ur, se ne ustraši drevesa, ki bi običajno zahtevalo vsaj tri dni dela. Hitrosti njegovega žičenja se človek lahko samo čudi. A žičenje ni samo hitro, je tudi tehnično popolnoma pravilno in ko si njegovo delo ogledaš od blizu le redko opaziš kakšno povoženo iglico. "Žičenje vadim vsaj nekaj ur na dan. Vsak dan," je odgovor Marca Noelandersa. Tudi tokrat je iz neugledne smreke (nekateri bi rekli, da je stara blizu 1000 let ;-) ) ustvaril vrhunski bonsaj!

torek, 22. junij 2010


The second one in this mini serie of demonstrators is Roman Bona. He is German with Polish origins. He represented his country at 2006 EBA new talent contest at Ksiaz castle. He won a third place there and opened his doors in to bonsai world. I met Roman several times, in Warsaw at Marek Gajda's place also. I was demonstrator then, this time the roles were different.
Roman was working on excellent Pinus mugo. This was unusual material for this species, once already styled but then it was neglected. Roman Bona gave it a new soul ...

Drugi v mini seriji demonstratojev je Roman Bona. Nemec poljskega rodu, je svojo državo leta 2006 zastopal na tekmovanju novih talentov na konvenciji EBA na gradu Ksiaz. Tam je osvojil tretje mesto in si odprl vrata v bonsajski svet. Romana sem srečal že večkrat, tudi v Varšavi v centru Mareka Gajde. Takrat sem bil v vlogi demonstratorja jaz, tokrat je bila vloga obrnjena.
Roman je delal na izvrstnem ruševju. Za to vrsto nenavaden materijal je bil enkrat že obdelan a potem zanemarjen. Roman Bona mu je vdihnil novo dušo ... 

nedelja, 20. junij 2010


Well, it is time for football but is also time for bonsai. Maybe it is right time for some analysis. What I am talking about? Demonstrations. On bonsai conventions I never miss demonstrations. It is not important who is demonstrator, you can learn from everyone. It was so at EBA convention in Zurich. For beginning of this mini serie I am presenting work of Enrico Savini. (He is first, because we are opening a brunch of his school in Tora this autumn ... There are still some free spots!) Enrico excites me with his feeling for details. He concentrate at every detail on tree and work on it until perfection. This time his team was working at Juniperus phoenicea. The material was very poor at the start, but after Enrico choose only one brunch with some movement and after he emphasised living veins and shaped crown out of spear green mass - the result was great. Check out for yourself:

Dobro, je čas za nogomet, ampak je tudi čas za bonsaje. Morda je zdaj prava priložnost, za kakšno analizo ali dve. O čem govorim? O demonstracijah. Na bonsajskih srečanjih nikoli ne zamudim demonstracij. Ne glede na to, kdo je demonstrator, od vsakega bonsajista se lahko človek kaj nauči.Tako je bilo tudi tokrat na konvenciji EBA v Zuerichu. Za začetek mini serije predstavljam delo Enrica Savinija. (Prednost ima, ker jeseni v Tori odpiramo podružnico njegove šole ... Mesto ali dve sta še prosti!) Enrico me navdušuje z svojim občutkom za podrobnosti. Posveti se vsaki malenkosti na drevesu in jo dodela do popolnosti. Tako je bilo tudi tokrat; z svojo ekipo je delal na feničanskem brinu. Materijal je na začetku izgledal zelo neugledno, toda potem ko je Enrico izbral le vejo z več gibanja, potem ko je poudaril žive vene in do potankosti iz le malo zelenja uredil krošnjo, je bil rezultat vrhunski. Poglejte sami:

nedelja, 13. junij 2010


Second day of EBA convention in Zurich was all the same as first: we were talking about errors done by organizers. They moved demonstrations from hall in the first floor in the ugly tent at museum's yard. There was enough space for 15 people, and in this condition one of the best demonstrators in Europe Marc Noelanders must performed ... 

Drugi dan evropske konvencije v Zuerichu je minil v podobnem vzudšju, kot prvi: vedno znova smo ugotavljali, da organizatorji niso kos nalogi. Demonstracije so iz dvorane v prvem nadstropju preselili v neugleden šotor na dvorišče pred muzej, v katerem je prostora za 15 ljudi ... In tu je moral nastopati po moje eden najboljših demonstratorjev v Evropi - Marc Noelanders ...

We were preparing our candidature for Sunday's presentation (Vesna said, that we could organize convention at such level even tomorrow) and we kept our fingers crossed for Valter who was our candidate at NTC. He was satisfied with his work, even though he admitted that he could do it even better. I was judge and was helping with declaring the winner of NTC. But before the results were declared I was on my way home - my work could not wait ... But nevertheless I heard about Raje's prize - he wan a prize for the best import tree on the show! Congratulations Raje - Tora is still on the right path!

Mi smo se pripravljali za nedeljsko predstavitev naše kandidature (Vesna je rekla, da konvencijo na takšnem nivoju lahko organiziramo že jutri) in stiskali pesti za Valterja, ki je nastopil na NTC. Na koncu je bil z izdelkom kar zadovoljen, čeprav je priznal, da bi lahko iz materijala iztisnil več. Jaz sem nato nastopil v vlogi sodnika in pomagal pri razglasitvi zmagovalca NTC. Toda prej, kot so bili rezultati razglašeni, sem bil že na poti v domovino. Služba pač! A vseeno so do mene že prišle novice o novi nagradi, ki jo je osvojilo Rajetovo drevo - nagrada za najboljše uvoženo drevo! Raje čestitke, Tora je še naprej na pravi poti!

petek, 11. junij 2010


The first day of convention in Zurich is over. But what a disappointment it is! Organizers obviously put to much effort into preparation of exhibition hall - because all other aspect of organization are very bad. There are big problems at registration desk, tickets are much too expensive, shopping aria in tent in front of museum is very small, but the most incredible mistake that organizers did was demonstration: three first class bonsaists performed in front of completely empty hall! Well, it would be completely empty if there weren't our delegation. Unbelievable ...

Za nami je prvi dan konvencije v Zuerichu. Kakšno razočaranje ... Organizatorji so očitno preveč energije in sredstev vložili v pripravo razstavnega prostora, saj so na vseh drugih področjih organizacije povsem pogoreli: neverjetni zapleti ob registraciji, občutno predrage vstopnice, zelo slaba prodajna ponudba,ki domuje kar v šotoru pred muzejem, najbolj neverjetna šlamastika pa se jim je zgodila ob današnji demonstraciji: trije vrhunski bonsajisti so nastopili pred popolnoma prazno dvorano! No, popolnoma prazna bi bila, če bi v njej manjkala še naša delegacija. Res neverjetno ...

Unusual sight at demonstration
Nenavaden pogled na prazno dvorano ob demonstracijah

The only thing that organizers earned congratulations for is preparation of exhibition hall. It is something special and it is made for each tree specially. Even though the standings are not every time right, one could really enjoy each tree. I was most impressed by azalea which I didn't see before, but I don't know who is the author because there is no signs at the trees. This is another mistake by organizers. "It is like painter not be let to wright his name on his paint," Raje said.

Edino, za kar si organizatorji zaslužijo čestitke, je priprava razstavnega prostora. Postavitev je res nekaj posebnega in narejena po meri posameznega drevesa. A ne vedno najbolj posrečeno. Kljub temu pa lahko človek na razstavi res užije vsako drevo posebej. Mene je najbolj navdušila azaleja, ki je na razstavah doslej še nisem videl, žal pa ne vem, kdo je avtor, saj ob drevesih ni ne napisov države, ne vrst ne avtorjev. Še ena velika pomanjkljivost razstave. "Kot bi se slikarju ne pustili podpistati pod platno," je pripomnil Raje.

Maybe tommorow will be better. We'll cheer for Valter at NTC and enjoy at new demonstrations ...

Morda bo jutri bolje. Navijali bomo za Valterja, ki bo nastopil na NTC in uživali v novih demonstracijah ...

četrtek, 10. junij 2010


This weekend I'll enjoy one of the most important European bonsai exhibition. Every year the bonsaists from 19 different European countries meet at EBA convention. This year Zurich in Switzerland is the host city. And this year's convention is also very important for us: Slovenia will present It's candidature for organizing EBA convention in 2012. I'll write about that more in the next days.
For now: The journey was with out any problems, we admired stereotyped Swiss nature, organizers welcomed our trees with Swiss accuracy in museum in Zurich and we'll see them again tomorrow. Keep in touch!

Ta konec tedna bom užival na eni od najpomembnejših razstav v evropi. Vsako leto se bonsajisti iz 19-ih držav članic Evropske bonsajske zveze srečamo na konvenciji. Tokrat jo gosti švicarski Zuerich in tokratna bo za nas še posebej pomembna: Slovenija bo na generalni skupščini EBA predstavila kandidaturo za organizacijo konvenncije 2012. O tem več v prihodnjih dneh.
Za zdaj le toliko: Pot je minila brez zapletov, ob poti smo občudovali stereotipno švicarsko naravo, organizatorji pa so s švicarsko natančnostjo v muzeju v Zuerichu prevzeli naša drevesa, ki jih bomo spet videli šele jutri. Se beremo!

sobota, 5. junij 2010


Tomaz is probably one of the last students in Tora in this spring, season will be soon over. We'll continue with workshop in the autumn!
"I'll have a hundred of them in my garden," was enthusiastic Tomaz when he was wiring the tree. Obviously he is a guy completely poisoned by bonsaism. Welcome among us!

Tomaž je bil verjetno eden zadnjih učencev v Tori to pomlad, sezona se namreč počasi končuje. S tečaji bomo nadaljevali jeseni!
"V svojem vrtu jih bom imel sto," je bil navdušen Tomaž med tem, ko je navijal žico na drevo. Očitno gre za fanta, ki ga je bonsajizem popolnoma zastrupil. Dobrodošel med nami!

Meanwhile azalea is in full flower. Her dazing flowers can completely charm you. She is a queen among bonsais! We have some years of hard work with this one on the photo. But I am enjoying her already!

Med tem se je razcvetela tudi azaleja. Njeni omamni cvetovi te lahko popolnoma očarajo. Kraljica med bonsaji! S to na sliki naju seveda čaka še nekaj let trdega dela, preden bova približno na cilju. A razveseljuje me že zdaj.

P.S.: Don't forget to check in for Progetto Futuro school of Enrico Savini. We'll start in first weekend in October, there are just few free spots left!

P.S.: Ne pozabite na vpis v šolo Progetto Futuro Enrica Savinija. Začnemo prvi konec tedna v oktobru, mesta se hitro polnijo!