Well, it is time for football but is also time for bonsai. Maybe it is right time for some analysis. What I am talking about? Demonstrations. On bonsai conventions I never miss demonstrations. It is not important who is demonstrator, you can learn from everyone. It was so at EBA convention in Zurich. For beginning of this mini serie I am presenting work of Enrico Savini. (He is first, because we are opening a brunch of his school in Tora this autumn ... There are still some free spots!) Enrico excites me with his feeling for details. He concentrate at every detail on tree and work on it until perfection. This time his team was working at Juniperus phoenicea. The material was very poor at the start, but after Enrico choose only one brunch with some movement and after he emphasised living veins and shaped crown out of spear green mass - the result was great. Check out for yourself:
Dobro, je čas za nogomet, ampak je tudi čas za bonsaje. Morda je zdaj prava priložnost, za kakšno analizo ali dve. O čem govorim? O demonstracijah. Na bonsajskih srečanjih nikoli ne zamudim demonstracij. Ne glede na to, kdo je demonstrator, od vsakega bonsajista se lahko človek kaj nauči.Tako je bilo tudi tokrat na konvenciji EBA v Zuerichu. Za začetek mini serije predstavljam delo Enrica Savinija. (Prednost ima, ker jeseni v Tori odpiramo podružnico njegove šole ... Mesto ali dve sta še prosti!) Enrico me navdušuje z svojim občutkom za podrobnosti. Posveti se vsaki malenkosti na drevesu in jo dodela do popolnosti. Tako je bilo tudi tokrat; z svojo ekipo je delal na feničanskem brinu. Materijal je na začetku izgledal zelo neugledno, toda potem ko je Enrico izbral le vejo z več gibanja, potem ko je poudaril žive vene in do potankosti iz le malo zelenja uredil krošnjo, je bil rezultat vrhunski. Poglejte sami:

2 komentarja:
Bonsai is really an art.
This share is proof of that.
Tomaz Kovsca thank you for your sharing and congratulations for your wonderful Web.
Greetings from Portugal
Rodrigo Sousa
Thanks Rodrigo! Keep visiting my blog ...
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