nedelja, 13. junij 2010


Second day of EBA convention in Zurich was all the same as first: we were talking about errors done by organizers. They moved demonstrations from hall in the first floor in the ugly tent at museum's yard. There was enough space for 15 people, and in this condition one of the best demonstrators in Europe Marc Noelanders must performed ... 

Drugi dan evropske konvencije v Zuerichu je minil v podobnem vzudšju, kot prvi: vedno znova smo ugotavljali, da organizatorji niso kos nalogi. Demonstracije so iz dvorane v prvem nadstropju preselili v neugleden šotor na dvorišče pred muzej, v katerem je prostora za 15 ljudi ... In tu je moral nastopati po moje eden najboljših demonstratorjev v Evropi - Marc Noelanders ...

We were preparing our candidature for Sunday's presentation (Vesna said, that we could organize convention at such level even tomorrow) and we kept our fingers crossed for Valter who was our candidate at NTC. He was satisfied with his work, even though he admitted that he could do it even better. I was judge and was helping with declaring the winner of NTC. But before the results were declared I was on my way home - my work could not wait ... But nevertheless I heard about Raje's prize - he wan a prize for the best import tree on the show! Congratulations Raje - Tora is still on the right path!

Mi smo se pripravljali za nedeljsko predstavitev naše kandidature (Vesna je rekla, da konvencijo na takšnem nivoju lahko organiziramo že jutri) in stiskali pesti za Valterja, ki je nastopil na NTC. Na koncu je bil z izdelkom kar zadovoljen, čeprav je priznal, da bi lahko iz materijala iztisnil več. Jaz sem nato nastopil v vlogi sodnika in pomagal pri razglasitvi zmagovalca NTC. Toda prej, kot so bili rezultati razglašeni, sem bil že na poti v domovino. Služba pač! A vseeno so do mene že prišle novice o novi nagradi, ki jo je osvojilo Rajetovo drevo - nagrada za najboljše uvoženo drevo! Raje čestitke, Tora je še naprej na pravi poti!

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