torek, 22. junij 2010


The second one in this mini serie of demonstrators is Roman Bona. He is German with Polish origins. He represented his country at 2006 EBA new talent contest at Ksiaz castle. He won a third place there and opened his doors in to bonsai world. I met Roman several times, in Warsaw at Marek Gajda's place also. I was demonstrator then, this time the roles were different.
Roman was working on excellent Pinus mugo. This was unusual material for this species, once already styled but then it was neglected. Roman Bona gave it a new soul ...

Drugi v mini seriji demonstratojev je Roman Bona. Nemec poljskega rodu, je svojo državo leta 2006 zastopal na tekmovanju novih talentov na konvenciji EBA na gradu Ksiaz. Tam je osvojil tretje mesto in si odprl vrata v bonsajski svet. Romana sem srečal že večkrat, tudi v Varšavi v centru Mareka Gajde. Takrat sem bil v vlogi demonstratorja jaz, tokrat je bila vloga obrnjena.
Roman je delal na izvrstnem ruševju. Za to vrsto nenavaden materijal je bil enkrat že obdelan a potem zanemarjen. Roman Bona mu je vdihnil novo dušo ... 

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