torek, 25. januar 2011


You can find so many photos and impressions on the internet already that is almost impossible to add something new about XII. Noelanders Trophy. I got great impressions. At the top level exhibition European yamadoris finally prevailed over the expensive imported trees! The winner also is a typical representative of the Alps - Pinus mugo. That's the way, Europe!

Na internetu je že toliko slik in vtisov o XII. Noelanders Trophyju, da je težko dodati kaj novega. Name je razstava naredila odličen vtis. Končno so na razstavi najvišjega nivoja prevladovali evropski jamadoriji in ne draga uvožena drevesa. Tudi zmagovalec je tipičen predstavnik Alp - ruševje. Tako se dela, Evropa!

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