petek, 22. april 2011


Yesterday was a complete circus. In the morning Roman was attending a basic workshop which his wife gave to him as a gift. He returned home with nice Chamaecyparis. Me and Tomaz were finishing Tomaz's Chamaecyparis in the afternoon in Ljubljana. Meanwhile I forgot my computer at Raje's place and had to return to pick it up.

Včeraj je bil cel cirkus! Dopoldne je Roman opravil tečaj za začetnike, ki ga mu je podarila žena; domov je odšel z lepo pacipreso. S Tomažem sva delo na njegovi dokončala popoldne v Ljubljani. Vmes sem pozabil računalnik pri Rajetu in se moral vrniti ponj.

Little Prunus is in full bloom!

Pa mala rešelika je v polnem cvetu!

And circus in the evening. The real one. After I don't know how many years me and my son Jakob went to watch a circus. Jakob enjoyed clowns, I was enjoying artists. A nice end of the day!

Zvečer pa še cirkus. Tapravi. Po nevemkoliko letih sva si ga privoščila z Jakobom. Jakob je užival ob predstavah klovnov, jaz ob predstavah artistk. Lep konec dneva!

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