On invitation of Nova Gorica students club we were there presenting bonsaism. A lecture and demo on easy, simple material. My students Natasha and Miha were performing infront of audience for the first time. They will use this experience in the future for sure. Working on tree when people are watching you and under pression is totally different from working in peace at home. But they both did a good job. And we even get the icecream!
Na povabilo Kluba goriških študentov smo v Novi Gorici predstavljali bonsaizem. Predavanje in manjša demonstracija na enostavnem materijalu. Z mano sta bila Nataša in Miha, ki sta prvič nastopila pred večjo skupino ljudi in jima bo takšna izkušnja prišla še kako prav. Delati, ko ti drugi gledajo pod prste in pod pritiskom, je nekaj povsem drugega kot v miru doma. Ampak sta se izkazala. Pa še na sladoled smo šli!
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