nedelja, 23. december 2012


Andrej came to workshop with a Chinese juniper which has a good potential, but unfortunately it has fungus that can destroy all the work. Andrej know it now, but will try to fight disease in the tree, he will use the juniper, if nothing else to learn. Therefore we planed the work, how to get from material to the bonsai in a suitable pot in three years. Today we took the first step. Andrej will be learning all necessary  techniques.
Andrej je na nadaljevalni tečaj prišel s kitajskim brinom, ki ima dober potencial, a žal v sebi tudi gobe, ki lahko uničijo vse delo. Andrej to zdaj ve, a se bo trudil bolezen v drevesu zavreti, brin pa uporabiti, če ne drugega za učenje. Napravila sva torej načrt dela, kako iz materijala v treh letih priti do bonsaja v primerni posodi. Danes sva napravila prvi korak. Andrej se bo ob tem učil vseh potrebnih tehnik.
The starting material is juniper, which was saved from Andrej friend's garden. Under the hard outfit the soft soul is hidden :-) We created the line around which the crown will be build.
Začetni materijal je brin, ki ga je Andrej rešil s prijateljičinega vrta. Pod trdo zunanjosto se skriva mehka duša :-) Izpostavila sva linijo, okrog katere bova v nadaljevanju gradila krošnjo.
We cut some branches, bended the trunk and worked on dead wood. In the future the live veins will be highlighted also, trunk offers more options. While at the photos Andrej is working with power tool, most of the work was done by hand, because the results on the raw wood is so much better.
Porezala sva nekaj vej, skrivila deblo in delala na mrtvem lesu. V prihodnosti bodo poudarjene tudi žive vene, deblo ponuja več možnosti. Čeprav na spodnjih fotografijah Andrej dela z rezkarjem, je bilo večino dela opravljenega na roke, saj so rezultati na surovem lesu tako veliko boljši.
After the first step the difference is already visible. Because this is a school, we'll work step by step. Green mass is compacted on the right side of the trunk, there will be the main part of the crown which will balanced composition. Our goal, quite plausible, is illustrated. Of course, if the tree will cooperate and the fungus will not kill too many branches ...
Po prvem koraku je razlika že vidna. Ker gre za šolo, bova delala korak za korakom. Zelenje je skompaktirano na desni strani debla, tam bo večina krošnje s katero bo kompozicija uravnovešena. Cilj, povsem uresničljiv, je na spodnji skici. Če bo drevo sodelovalo in zaradi gobavosti ne bo odmrlo preveč vej seveda ...


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