This is the story of a red pine ... :-) Collected in April 2009, last spring still intended for sale or trade (well, at a reasonable price still is), and now, after four growing seasons in the training pot, first styling is completed.
To je zgodba o nekem rdečem boru ... :-) Izkopan aprila 2009, lani spomladi še namenjen prodaji oz. zamenjavi (no, saj to je za primerno ceno še vedno), zdaj pa, po štirih rastnih sezonah v trening posodi prvič oblikovan.
Pine in May 2012: already well rooted started to grow well
Bor maja 2012, že dodobra vkoreninjen je začel bujno poganjati
I have quite a lot of material in the garden, but I always wait for a specific tree to call me, that I feel it, and then I start working on it. In one year, the green mass incrised a lot, container is full of roots. Time to work!
V vrtu imam še kar nekaj materijala, a vedno počakam, da me določeno drevo pokliče, da ga začutim, in takrat se lotim dela na njem. V enem letu je bor še pridobil na zeleni masi, korenin v posodi pa je že tako ali tako preveč. Čas za delo!
The analysis soon showed that this is a very difficult double-trunk material. But I still like it, because usually such material, if you are trying enough and really get the best out of it, it proves to be excellent. And I like challenge! Side, where the trunks overlap, is not good for the front, so debate about where is the front was leaving only two options. But from the right side, one can clearly see how difficult the material is. From this site the thinner and smaller trunk can not be even seen:
Analiza je kmalu pokazala, da gre za zelo zahteven dvodebelni materijal. Ampak to mi je vedno všeč; običajno se takšen materijal, če se dovolj potrudiš in iz njega res izvlečeš največ, kar se da, izkaže za odličnega. Pa še izziv je primeren! Strani, kjer se debli prekrivata, nista primerni za prvo stran, zato sta za resnejšo debato o tem, katera je prva stran ostali le še dve možnosti. A s strani, ki je na koncu postala stranska desna, se lepo vidi, kako zahteven je materijal. S te strani se tanjšega in manjšega debla sploh ne vidi:
One of the options was the side on which the tree is moving to the right. I even started to work on this side, but the tree itself, as many times, said that this is not the right front: because of the branches and the inclination of the top.
Ena od možnosti je bila tako stran, na kateri se drevo giblje v desno. Oblikovanje sem celo začel s te strani, pa je drevo samo, tako, kot že velikokrat, povedalo, da to ni prava stran: zaradi položaja vej in naklona vrha.
And so the role of the front was declared to the side where the pine moves to the left. Inclination in a pot was not changed, I have decided that I will create a slanting style (shakkan) and at the same time, I keep both trunks as they are extremely precious with their great bark. The tree has a really great bark, years, decades of layers, there is many natural scars and jins. This is a major focal point of future bonsai. To work on such a tree, one in the first place feels respect and humility, gratitude, but one must also be careful not to touch the bark, that it is not accidentally damaged. Really fantastic details!
In tako je vlogo prednje strani prevzela stran, na kateri se bor nagiba v levo. Naklona v posodi nisem spreminjal, odločil sem se, da ga bom oblikoval v nagnjenem slogu in hkrati, da bom obdržal obe debli, saj sta z svojo izjemno skorjo predragoceni, da bi ju krajšal ali celo rezal. Drevo krasi res izjemna skorja, ki se je nalagala leta in leta, desetletja, veliko je naravnih brazgotin in džinov. To je glavni adut bodočega bonsaja; ob delu na takem drevesu človek v prvi vrsti občuti spoštovanje in ponižnost, tudi hvaležnost, hkrati pa je treba paziti, da se skorje ne dotikamo, da je ne bi slučajno poškodovali. Res fantastični detajli!





The plan of work was made, first I started with cleaning of jins, including bending some with the help of fire, then cutting needles and the tree was ready for wiring. Well, even before I was using wooden wedges to slightly extended upper part of trunks, which were originally joined and, thus, give the impression of reverse-tappering. For bending branches I used a lot of raffia, because some branches had to be bend under a sharp angle. The dilemma was how to create the top, in which side to start the spiral, so that the top will nicely complement composition. Given the fact that I decided to style the tree in slanting style, I made a left spiral and the top leaned slightly to the left, which nicely complements the overall composition. If I'd start with the right spiral, the top would move more towards nebari, but in this case this was not desirable. In short, after several days of enjoyment in work with very demanding tree, the first phase is complete. Many things remain incomplete and this is challenge for the future. Because the pine only started the path to bonsai.
Načrt dela je bil napravljen, najprej sem se lotil čiščenja džinov, tudi krivljenja s pomočjo ognja, potem striženja iglic in drevo je bilo pripravljeno na žičenje. No, še prej sem s pomočjo lesenih zagozd nekoliko razširil zgornji del debel, ki sta se prvotno stikali in tako dajali vtis nasprotnega ožanja. Pri krivljenju vej sem uporabil veliko rafije, saj je bilo treba nekaj vej ukriviti pod močnim kotom. Dilema, ki se mi je zastavila pri vrhu je bila, v katero stran naj začnem spiralo, da bo vrh lepo dopolnjeval kompozicijo. Glede na to, da sem se odločil za nagnjeni slog, sem napravil levo spiralo in s tem vrh nagnil nekoliko levo, kar lepo dopolnjuje celotno kompozicijo. Če bi začel z desno spiralo, bi se vrh pomaknil bolj nad nebari, kar pa v tem primeru ni bilo zaželjeno. Skratka, po večdnevnem uživanju v delu z zelo zahtevnim drevesom, je prva faza končana. Veliko stvari ostaja še nedodelanih in izziv za prihodnost. Kajti bor je zdaj šele stopil na pot do bonsaja.
Before - after