Every bonsaist has a tree in his or her collection that holds a special place there. I don't speak about the external quality of bonsai but about its story. About the tree, which, by its appearance is not the outstanding achievement, but carries the story, the message, the energy, so that the owner just can not get rid of it. In my collection a small prunus is such a tree, it survived all stages of my learning. And still insists and pleases me. More than 15 years we already share the good and the bad, it survived all my ignorance, moving from the balcony into the atrium, from the atrium to the garden. It started as a small tree that I took off the rocks in the home village and planted in a humus in a plain plastic pot.
Vsak bonsajist ima v svoji zbirki drevo, ki tam zaseda posebno mesto. Tu ne mislim na zunanje kvalitete bonsaja ampak na njegovo zgodbo. Na drevo, ki po svoji zunanjosti ne sodi med vrhunske dosežke, a v sebi nosi tako zgodbo, sporočilo, energijo, da se lastnik enostavno ne more posloviti od njega. V moji zbirki je takšno drevo mala rešelikica, ki je z mano preživela vse faze učenja. In še kar vztraja in me razveseljuje. Več kot 15 let že deliva dobro in slabo, preživela je vse moje neznanje, selitve z balkona v atrij, z atrija na vrt. Začela je kot drobno drevo, ki sem jo snel s skale v domači vasi in posadil v črnico v navadni plastični lonec.
From then on every spring cheers me with tiny white buds that in late April open up in to fragrant white flowers with enticing scent. And then, with luck, a bee flies by and pollinate the flower, and then in June I can admire the small dark red or even black velvet cherrys on the tree. The miracle of nature!
Od takrat naprej me vsako pomlad razveseli z drobnimi belimi popki, ki se konec aprila razprejo v dehteče bele cvetove omamnega vonja. In če je sreča, če mimo prileti čebela, da cvet opraši, potem junija na drevesu lahko občudujem male temno rdeče, celo žametno črne češnjice. Čudež narave!
Now I'm trying to please it in everything; I care for it with all my knowledge I'd accumulated over the years, with its help, and slowly I develop it in beauty. After more than 15 years, we're still almost at the beginning of the way :-)! Today the time has come for the regular spring care - trimming and wiring. If I wanted lush blooms, then trimming wouldn't be done until April. The girl is combed back again and ready for the new season ...
Zdaj ji skušam ugoditi v vsem; zanjo skrbim z vsem znanjem, ki sem si ga nabral v teh letih tudi z njeno pomočjo in jo počasi razvijam v lepotico. Po več kot 15-ih letih sva še vedno skoraj na začetku poti :-) ! Danes je prišel čas za redno spomladansko urejanje - obrezovanje in žičenje. Če bi hotel bujno cvetenje, potem bi obrezovanje opravil šele aprila. Deklica je spet počesana in pripravljena na novo sezono ...
Janez worked on a completely different tree this morning - mighty spruce will slowly get the first form. First, the work on dead wood was done.
Na povsem drugačnem drevesu je danes dopoldne delal Janez - mogočna smreka, bo počasi dobila prvo obliko. Najprej je bilo na vrsti delo na suhem lesu.
Matej also joined us and tested a new technique. I'll write about this later ...
Tudi Matej se nama je pridružil, lepše je delati v troje, in preizkušal novo tehniko. O tej morda kaj več kdaj kasneje ...
PS: The regular weekly meeting of the Tora group will be back tomorrow!
P.S.: Redno tedensko srečanje skupine Tora bo spet jutri!
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