Last night Andrej completed the first phase of styling at his Thuja occidentalis. From gritty and cheap starting material, the interesting tree was created and with proper care it can be developed in interesting bonsai. For now, most of the shari is incomplete, there is also still a lot of work on green mass, but with correct pinching the green mass will be more compact and hard, although Thuja is always somewhat uncomed, because of the way of its growth ...
Andrej je sinoči dokončal prvo fazo oblikovanja svojega kleka. Iz neuglednega in poceni začetnega materijala, je nastalo zanimivo drevo, ki se bo ob pravilni negi lahko razvilo v prav takšen bonsaj. Za zdaj je večina šarija še nedodelanega, Andreja pa čaka tudi veliko dela z zelenjem, ki se lahko ob pravilnem vršičkanju zgosti in otrdi, čeprav bo klek zaradi načina svoje rasti vedno nekoliko skuštran ...
Roland has worked on Carpinus, he removed the old leaves, and then began to repare the faults in the crown. Often it seems that the tree takes a step backward, but of course this is done with reason and only in order to then take three steps forward. Roland has decided to build a crown as it should be, which is especially importan at deciduous trees. Therefore, he removed all thick secondary branches, branch will now has a nice tapper. H also made a decision how the top will be developed. Such detailed work will pay off in two seasons. Otherwise, work on Carpinus has not finished yet, something it has remained for the next workshop ...
Thuja before
and after first styling
Roland has worked on Carpinus, he removed the old leaves, and then began to repare the faults in the crown. Often it seems that the tree takes a step backward, but of course this is done with reason and only in order to then take three steps forward. Roland has decided to build a crown as it should be, which is especially importan at deciduous trees. Therefore, he removed all thick secondary branches, branch will now has a nice tapper. H also made a decision how the top will be developed. Such detailed work will pay off in two seasons. Otherwise, work on Carpinus has not finished yet, something it has remained for the next workshop ...
Roland je delal na gabru, ki mu je odstranil staro listje, potem pa začel odpravljati napakena krošnji. Velikokrat se zdi, da z drevesom napravimo korak nazaj, a to seveda napravimo z razlogom in samo zato, da bi potem napravili tri korake naprej. Roland se je odločil, da bo krošnjo gradil tako, kot je treba, kar je pri listavcih še posebej pomembno. Zato je odstranil vse predebele sekundarne veje, da se bo veja lepo delila in ožala proti svojemu koncu. Odločil se je tudi, kako bo vzgojil vrh. Takšno natančno delo se bo v dveh sezonah zelo obrestovalo. Sicer pa dela na gabru še ni čisti končano, nekaj ga je ostalo še za naslednjo delavnico ...
PS: Oh, and Nik aslo visited us, he couldn't withstand it more without bonsai :-)

PS: Oh, and Nik aslo visited us, he couldn't withstand it more without bonsai :-)
2 komentarja:
Kera umetniška fotka! :P
Zakon a ne! A jo hočeš za profil :-)
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