New exciting evening in the studio! Three completely different projects, each with its own peculiarities. Nik has done a good job on the dead-wood on his yew. Patient and careful work with hand and power tools has produced a good result.
Nov zanimiv večer v ateljeju je za nami. Trije povsem različni projekti, vsak s svojimi posebnostmi. Nik je opravil dobro delo na suhem lesu tise. Potrpežljivo in natančno delo z ročnim in električnim orodjem je prineslo lep rezultat.

Nik working on dead-wood
Nice results. This is before Nik treated it with fire
Gašper has worked on interesting spruce. The trunk has a nice movement but it is without tappering, so a literati was logical choice of style. Gašper initially tried to style a tree with the lower branch only, but the tree would still be without tappering and would lost a nice line in the upper part.
Gašper je delal na zanimivi smreki. Deblo ima izrazito gibanje a je brez ožanja, zato je bila izbira sloga literati logična. Gašper je sicer najprej drevo skušal oblikovati le z spodnjo vejo a s tem ne bi veliko pridobil: drevo še vedno ne bi imelo ožanja, izgubil pa bi lepo linijo v zgornjem delu.
The spruce as it arrived to the atelier
Gašper working on spruce
Therefore, after analyze we decided that in the final design the upper part of the tree will be used as well. The result is a dynamic literati with a nice future. Gašper has yet to decide what will be done with the lower crown. Now he knows how important the negative space is, and there must be no greenery in a curve, because the most interesting part of the tree would be shadowed. There is still too much foliage in the main crown but for a safety of the tree at the first styling it will remain there for now. In the next phase a detailed styling and reducing of the crown will take part.
Zato smo se po analizi odločili, da bo za končni dizajn uporabil tudi zgornji del drevesa. Nastal je dinamičen literati z lepo prihodnostjo. Gašper se mora še odločiti, kaj bo napravil z spodnjo krošnjico. Zdaj ve, kako pomemben je negativen, prazen prostor, zato zelenja v krivini ne sme biti; tudi najzanimivejši del drevesa bi s tem zakril. V krošnji je še vedno preveč zelenja a zaradi varnosti ob prvem oblikovanju bo za zdaj tam tudi ostalo. V naslednji fazi pride na vrsto podrobno oblikovanje in redčenje krošnje.
Literati with nice future (and a lot of work still to do :-) )
Miha was working on Chamaecyparis and prepared it for exhibition. Clouds in the crown were overgrown, he did not like the poodle-like crown.
Miha je delal na pacipresi in jo pripravljal na razstavo. Oblački so se preveč zarasli, "pudljasta" krošnja mu ni bila všeč.
Miha working on Chamaecypris
The solution is to clean the lower parts of clouds. This reveales the structure of the branches, which bear foliage. Ramification under the cloud which it is visible, gives the tree impression of maturity and dramatically improves the overall impression. Miha will finish the top of the tree in the next few days.
Rešitev je v čiščenju spodnjih delov oblačkov. S tem se razkrije struktura veje, ki nosi zelenje. Razvejanost pod oblačkom, ki je vidna, drevesu da vtis zrelosti in zelo izboljša celotni vtis. Miha bo zgornji del drevesa dokončal v naslednjih dneh.
Miha must still work on upper and right part of the tree. But results on the left side are already visible