petek, 27. september 2013


New exciting evening in the studio! Three completely different projects, each with its own peculiarities. Nik has done a good job on the dead-wood on his yew. Patient and careful work with hand and power tools has produced a good result.
Nov zanimiv večer v ateljeju je za nami. Trije povsem različni projekti, vsak s svojimi posebnostmi. Nik je opravil dobro delo na suhem lesu tise. Potrpežljivo in natančno delo z ročnim in električnim orodjem je prineslo lep rezultat.
Nik working on dead-wood

Nice results. This is before Nik treated it with fire
Gašper has worked on interesting spruce. The trunk has a nice movement but it is without tappering, so a literati was logical choice of style. Gašper initially tried to style a tree with the lower branch only, but the tree would still be without tappering and would lost a nice line in the upper part.
Gašper je delal na zanimivi smreki. Deblo ima izrazito gibanje a je brez ožanja, zato je bila izbira sloga literati logična. Gašper je sicer najprej drevo skušal oblikovati le z spodnjo vejo a s tem ne bi veliko pridobil: drevo še vedno ne bi imelo ožanja, izgubil pa bi lepo linijo v zgornjem delu.
The spruce as it arrived to the atelier

Gašper working on spruce
Therefore, after analyze we decided that in the final design the upper part of the tree will be used as well. The result is a dynamic literati with a nice future. Gašper has yet to decide what will be done with the lower crown. Now he knows how important the negative space is, and there must be no greenery in a curve, because the most interesting part of the tree would be shadowed. There is still too much foliage in the main crown but for a safety of the tree at the first styling it will remain there for now. In the next phase a detailed styling and reducing of the crown will take part.
Zato smo se po analizi odločili, da bo za končni dizajn uporabil tudi zgornji del drevesa. Nastal je dinamičen literati z lepo prihodnostjo. Gašper se mora še odločiti, kaj bo napravil z spodnjo krošnjico. Zdaj ve, kako pomemben je negativen, prazen prostor, zato zelenja v krivini ne sme biti; tudi najzanimivejši del drevesa bi s tem zakril. V krošnji je še vedno preveč zelenja a zaradi varnosti ob prvem oblikovanju bo za zdaj tam tudi ostalo. V naslednji fazi pride na vrsto podrobno oblikovanje in redčenje krošnje.
Literati with nice future (and a lot of work still to do :-) )
Miha was working on Chamaecyparis and prepared it for exhibition. Clouds in the crown were overgrown, he did not like the poodle-like crown.
Miha je delal na pacipresi in jo pripravljal na razstavo. Oblački so se preveč zarasli, "pudljasta" krošnja mu ni bila všeč.
Miha working on Chamaecypris
The solution is to clean the lower parts of clouds. This reveales the structure of the branches, which bear foliage. Ramification under the cloud  which it is visible, gives the tree impression of maturity and dramatically improves the overall impression. Miha will finish the top of the tree in the next few days.
Rešitev je v čiščenju spodnjih delov oblačkov. S tem se razkrije struktura veje, ki nosi zelenje. Razvejanost pod oblačkom, ki je vidna, drevesu da vtis zrelosti in zelo izboljša celotni vtis. Miha bo zgornji del drevesa dokončal v naslednjih dneh. 
Miha must still work on upper and right part of the tree. But results on the left side are already visible

četrtek, 26. september 2013


After a few years working alone Gašper decided to come to Tora bonsai school. The main issue was wiring, so he wanted to learn the basics. He brought with him some of his trees, for example Cotoneaster at picture below, we've analyzed it and determined future development.
Tudi Gašper se je po nekaj letih samostojnega dela odločil, da pride v uk v šolo Tora. Največ preglavic mu je delalo žičenje, zato se je želel učiti osnov. S seboj je prinesel tudi nekaj svojih izdelkov, npr. spodnjo panešpljico, ki sva jo analizirala in ji določila nadaljni razvoj.

Cotoneaster by Gašper
Gašper obviously doesn't missing the sense of aesthetics and design. This is also evidenced by his products, which are presented on his nice website at Yes, the tables are becoming world-class! ;-) With a few tips and positive competition within the school he may progress rapidly in bonsaism too. I look forward to further work!
Gašperju občutka za estetiko in oblikovanje očitno ne manjka. To dokazuje tudi z svojimi izdelki, ki so predstavljeni na lični spletni strani . Da, mizice postajajo vrhunske! ;-) Z nekaj nasveti in pozitivno konkurenco v okviru šole lahko hitro napreduje tudi v bonsajizmu. Se že veselim nadaljnega skupnega dela!
Gašper working on Abies
Table by Gašper (Zen Design)

ponedeljek, 23. september 2013


At the weekend I was a member of the delegation of SBK participated at 6. Alpe-Adria exhibition in St. Veit am den Glan in Austria. I exhibited Juniper "Mama", It earned first prize for the most beautiful tree in the exhibition selected by visitors, it was also the best after jury selection. In the end I actually felt that it stand out too much and I should exhibit some another tree at the show of friends in Carinthia club. I have prepared the report from exhibition for the SBK forum ! (Only in Slovene)
Konec tedna sem se kot član delegacije SBK udeležil 6. Alpe-Adria razstave v Šentvidu ob Glini na Gosposvetskem polju v Avstriji. Razstavljal sem brin Mama; prislužil si je prvo nagrado za najlepše drevo na razstavi po izboru obiskovalcev, prav tako pa je bil najboljši tudi po izboru strokovne komisije. Na koncu se mi je celo zdelo, da je preveč izstopal in da bi na razstavo prijateljev iz koroškega kluba lahko postavil tudi kako drugo drevo. Poročilo z razstave sem pripravil za forum SBK!
My tree in the spot light
PS: Weekly meeting of the Tora group will be held on Thursday, 26 September. Welcome!
P.S.: Tedensko srečanje skupine Tora bo tokrat v četrtek, 26. septembra. Vabljeni!

ponedeljek, 16. september 2013


Peter is a self-taught bonsaist. After eight years in to bonsai he wished to check his level, he got the feeling that he doesn't progress anymore.
First of all, congratulations to Peter because he was able to take a step and get help. This requires a lot of courage. He brought three trees in to the studio. I was pleasantly surprised. For a self-taught bonsaist he elevate his knowledge to relatively high level. Although not technically perfect he still deserves congratulations. His design skills are a little worse, but there is Tora bonsai school for that. If Peter will work hard, we can expect a new good bonsaist among us in just a few seasons!
Peter je samouk. Po osmih letih ukvarjanja z bonsaji si je zaželel preveriti svoj nivo; dobil je tudi občutek, da je obstal na mestu, da napredka ni več.
Najprej si Peter zasluži čestitke, da je uspel napraviti korak in poiskati pomoč. Za to je potrebno veliko poguma. V atelje je prinesel tri svoja drevesa, ki so me prijetno presenetila. Za samouka je znanje povzdignil na zavidljiv nivo, tehnično sicer ni popoln, a si vseeno zasluži čestitke. V dizajnu je njegovo znanje nekoliko slabše, a za to je tu šola Tora. Če bo Peter resno poprijel za delo, lahko v naših vrstah že v nekaj sezonah pričakujemo novega dobrega bonsajista!
This pine has a much more potential that it shows in current state. We'll improve it during winter sessions

Spruce is totally out of blance. But Peter styled it without any help
On this séance we analyzed three trees he brought in, we did a quick styling on pine. In less than two hours the crown was in much better shape, pine went trough transformation. Now Peter also knows, why the crown is on the left side of the boring trunk ;-)
Na tokratni seansi sva podrobno analizirala tri prinešena drevesa, potem pa se na hitro lotila bora. V slabih dveh uricah je krošnja dobila boljšo obliko, bor preobrazbo. Zdaj je Petru tudi jasno, zakaj je krošnja na levi strani ne preveč zanimivega debla ;-)

At home Peter has a collection of great yamadoris, so we can look forward to his products!
Peter ima doma zbirko veliko boljših jamadorijev, lahko se veselimo njegovih izdelkov! 

četrtek, 12. september 2013


Sometimes one can't see right things that stand too close. One need distance to make things clear: the place or time. For quite some time I searched the right place for the back branch of this pine. In the meantime, I have planned cut it off a few times, but now it finally sat in the composition: It gives the crown depth and at the same time complements the line on the right side.
Včasih stvari, ki stojijo preblizu, ne vidiš prav. Potrebuješ razdaljo, da se stvari razjasnijo: prostorsko ali časovno. Kar nekaj časa sem potreboval, da sem našel pravo mesto zadnji veji na tem boru. Vmes sem jo že nekajkrat nameraval odrezati, zdaj pa je končno sedla v kompozicijo: krošnji daje globino in hkrati dopolnjuje linijo na desni strani.
Back branch at position that I was not pleased with ... 

Pine after the wire was cut off

After wiring and with new position of back branch and rotated for 10 degres
Last night at Tora bonsai school: studio was full of  elite company. I was glad that Rajko came by, there were also Roland and Janez. The right measure of fun and serious work: the evening dragged on into the night ... I do not like when the work on the trees is associated with too much jocking, last night was just the right rate. There was no shortage of professional debates and plans.
Sinoči je bila v ateljeju zbrana elitna druščina šole Tora. Vesel sem bil Rajkotovega obiska, tu sta bila Roland in Janez. Ravno pravšnja mera zabave in resnega dela, da se je večer zavlekel v noč ... Nimam rad, ko je ob delu na drevesih preveč zafrkancije, sinoči je bila mera ravno prava. Ni manjkalo strokovne debate in načrtov.
PS: The next meeting on Wednesday is canceled, we'll prepare our trees for the exhibition in St. Veit, Austria. See you there!
P.S.: Naslednjo sredo srečanja ne bo, svoja drevesa bomo pripravljali na razstavo v St. Veitu v Avstriji. Se vidimo tam!

nedelja, 8. september 2013


Juniper from this project is an urban yamadori, it grew in concrete planter. Last year, thanks to Tomaž R., it found its way into my garden and in January it began the journey towards bonsai. At first glance uninteresting material, but because it is a juniper it can make a wonderful transformation. But first we had to give movement to the relatively high and boring tree trunk. With deep cut, a lot of raffia, wire and raw power of Janez we managed to do it! :-) And that was enough for the first intervention.
Brin v tem projektu je urbani jamadori, iz betonskega korita. Lani je po zaslugi Tomaža R. našel pot v moj vrt in januarja začel pot k bonsaju. Na prvi pogled nezanimiv materijal; a ker gre za brin omogoča čudovito preobrazbo. Ampak najprej je bilo treba relativno visokemu in dolgočasnemu deblu dati izrazito gibanje. Z razcepljenjem, veliko rafije, žice in surovo Janezovo močjo je to tudi uspelo! :-) In to je bilo za prvi poseg tudi dovolj.
Starting material
In spring I removed the raffia, which began to cut into the bark, during the growing season, the Juniper remained attached to the pole and the container.
Že spomladi sem odstranil rafijo, ki se je začela zajedati v skorjo, še vso rastno sezono pa je brin ostal pritrjen ob drog in posodo.
Before I removed the "heavy machinery"

Now the time for a new step has come. Trunk kept the nice line, I removed all the heavy machinery and started the analysis. I chose an attractive line, which I extend to the top; embarked on dead wood, with heat I bent some jins, cut redundant branches and wired the primary ones to the position. All work on the juniper until now was only preparation for the first styling that will be done in spring 2014. Perhaps as a demonstration on some exhibition, perhaps in my quiet sheltered workshop. In short, a tree will now rest over the winter, then it will be ready for styling. If I do not prefer to repot it first, in that case the styling will be postponed to autumn.
Zdaj je prišel čas za nov korak. Deblo je lepo obdržalo linijo, odstranil sem vso težko mehanizacijo in se lotil analize. Izbral sem atraktivno linijo, ki sem jo podaljšal v vrh; se lotil mrtvega lesa, z segrevanjem ukrivil nekaj džinov, porezal odvečne veje in usmeril primarne. Vse delo na brinu do zdaj je bila zgolj priprava na prvo oblikovanje, ki bo prišlo na vrsto spomladi 2014. Morda kot demonstracija na kakšni razstavi, morda v mirnem zavetju domače delavnice. Skratka drevo bo zdaj čez zimo počivalo, potem pa bo pripravljeno na oblikovanje. Če se ne bom odločil raje za presajanje; v tem primeru bo oblikovanje prestavljeno na jesen.
After second step of preparation
What result I have in mind? The sketch below is the result of in-depth analysis and will be implemented at the first styling.
Kakšen rezultat imam v mislih? Spodnja skica je plod poglobljene analize in bo uresničena ob prvem oblikovanju.
The result in two years? Possible with good preparation and care for the tree ...
Rezultat v dveh letih? Mogoč ob dobri predpripravi in skrbi za drevo ... 

četrtek, 5. september 2013


Autumn season in TORA bonsai school is already in full swing. We started with the regular weekly meetings of the Central Group. Aleš, Nataša and Miha worked on the new and continued to work on old projects.
Jesenska sezona v šoli TORA je že v polnem teku. Začeli smo z rednimi tedenskimi srečanji centralne skupine. Aleš, Nataša in Miha so se oglasili in začenjali nove oz. nadaljevali stare projekte.

Nataša will complete wiring of this pine at the following workshops, and then, of course, I'll show the whole story.
Nataša bo na naslednjih delavnicah dokončala žičenje tega bora, takrat seveda sledi celotna zgodba.
Primož's spruce already has a long story, today we did a step further by working on dead wood and detailed wiring. If we had a dark background, the photo would show a completely different tree, now the spruce looks much more empty than it actually is. But in any case, there is still a season or two before it will be suitable for the preparation for the exhibition.
Dolga pa je že zgodba Primoževe smreke, ki je danes napravila še en korak naprej z urejanjem suhega lesa in podrobnim žičenjem. Če bi imela temno ozadje, bi fotografija pokazala čisto drugačno drevo, tako pa smreka zgleda veliko bolj prazna kot je v resnici. A v vsakem primeru jo čaka še sezona ali raje dve gostitve, preden bo primerna za pripravo na razstavo.
October 2010 - before first intervention
October 2010 - after first intervention
Todaj - before styling

Today - after styling

With happy owner

PS: In the last days I often thought about fact that in all my bonsai career I have not created a good bonsai. Or rather bonsai that overall Internet audience would like ;-) There is no  posts on forum without comments: this must be done so and so, if done this and that it would be better tree ... This will require continued efforts. Maybe once I'll manage to do it, nevertheless :-) :-)
P.S.: V zadnjih dneh mi je velikokrat prišlo na misel dejstvo, da v vsej svoji bonsajistični karieri še nisem ustvaril dobrega bonsaja. Ali bolje rečeno bonsaja, ki bi bil všeč celotnemu internetnemu občinstvu ;-)  Še nobena objava na forumu SBK namreč ni minila brez komentrja: tole bi bilo pa treba napraviti tako, to bi pa jaz drugače, če bi napravil to in ono, bi bilo drevo boljše ... Zato se bo treba še naprej krepko truditi. Morda pa mi nekoč vendarle uspe :-) :-) 

nedelja, 1. september 2013


Update of this one: Hot summer didn't harm it, it gain some definition ...
Nove slike tega: vroče poletje mu ni škodilo; pridobil je na definiciji ...
In Wednesday, 4th of September we'll start with new season of Tora bonsai school. All old members of central group are welcome! If someone new wish to join - you must complete the workshop for beginners first!
V sredo 4. septembra začenjamo z novo sezono šole Tora. Vabljeni vsi stari člani centralne skupine, vsi ki bi se radi priključili na novo - pogoj je opravljen začetniški tečaj!