nedelja, 8. september 2013


Juniper from this project is an urban yamadori, it grew in concrete planter. Last year, thanks to Tomaž R., it found its way into my garden and in January it began the journey towards bonsai. At first glance uninteresting material, but because it is a juniper it can make a wonderful transformation. But first we had to give movement to the relatively high and boring tree trunk. With deep cut, a lot of raffia, wire and raw power of Janez we managed to do it! :-) And that was enough for the first intervention.
Brin v tem projektu je urbani jamadori, iz betonskega korita. Lani je po zaslugi Tomaža R. našel pot v moj vrt in januarja začel pot k bonsaju. Na prvi pogled nezanimiv materijal; a ker gre za brin omogoča čudovito preobrazbo. Ampak najprej je bilo treba relativno visokemu in dolgočasnemu deblu dati izrazito gibanje. Z razcepljenjem, veliko rafije, žice in surovo Janezovo močjo je to tudi uspelo! :-) In to je bilo za prvi poseg tudi dovolj.
Starting material
In spring I removed the raffia, which began to cut into the bark, during the growing season, the Juniper remained attached to the pole and the container.
Že spomladi sem odstranil rafijo, ki se je začela zajedati v skorjo, še vso rastno sezono pa je brin ostal pritrjen ob drog in posodo.
Before I removed the "heavy machinery"

Now the time for a new step has come. Trunk kept the nice line, I removed all the heavy machinery and started the analysis. I chose an attractive line, which I extend to the top; embarked on dead wood, with heat I bent some jins, cut redundant branches and wired the primary ones to the position. All work on the juniper until now was only preparation for the first styling that will be done in spring 2014. Perhaps as a demonstration on some exhibition, perhaps in my quiet sheltered workshop. In short, a tree will now rest over the winter, then it will be ready for styling. If I do not prefer to repot it first, in that case the styling will be postponed to autumn.
Zdaj je prišel čas za nov korak. Deblo je lepo obdržalo linijo, odstranil sem vso težko mehanizacijo in se lotil analize. Izbral sem atraktivno linijo, ki sem jo podaljšal v vrh; se lotil mrtvega lesa, z segrevanjem ukrivil nekaj džinov, porezal odvečne veje in usmeril primarne. Vse delo na brinu do zdaj je bila zgolj priprava na prvo oblikovanje, ki bo prišlo na vrsto spomladi 2014. Morda kot demonstracija na kakšni razstavi, morda v mirnem zavetju domače delavnice. Skratka drevo bo zdaj čez zimo počivalo, potem pa bo pripravljeno na oblikovanje. Če se ne bom odločil raje za presajanje; v tem primeru bo oblikovanje prestavljeno na jesen.
After second step of preparation
What result I have in mind? The sketch below is the result of in-depth analysis and will be implemented at the first styling.
Kakšen rezultat imam v mislih? Spodnja skica je plod poglobljene analize in bo uresničena ob prvem oblikovanju.
The result in two years? Possible with good preparation and care for the tree ...
Rezultat v dveh letih? Mogoč ob dobri predpripravi in skrbi za drevo ... 

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