četrtek, 12. september 2013


Sometimes one can't see right things that stand too close. One need distance to make things clear: the place or time. For quite some time I searched the right place for the back branch of this pine. In the meantime, I have planned cut it off a few times, but now it finally sat in the composition: It gives the crown depth and at the same time complements the line on the right side.
Včasih stvari, ki stojijo preblizu, ne vidiš prav. Potrebuješ razdaljo, da se stvari razjasnijo: prostorsko ali časovno. Kar nekaj časa sem potreboval, da sem našel pravo mesto zadnji veji na tem boru. Vmes sem jo že nekajkrat nameraval odrezati, zdaj pa je končno sedla v kompozicijo: krošnji daje globino in hkrati dopolnjuje linijo na desni strani.
Back branch at position that I was not pleased with ... 

Pine after the wire was cut off

After wiring and with new position of back branch and rotated for 10 degres
Last night at Tora bonsai school: studio was full of  elite company. I was glad that Rajko came by, there were also Roland and Janez. The right measure of fun and serious work: the evening dragged on into the night ... I do not like when the work on the trees is associated with too much jocking, last night was just the right rate. There was no shortage of professional debates and plans.
Sinoči je bila v ateljeju zbrana elitna druščina šole Tora. Vesel sem bil Rajkotovega obiska, tu sta bila Roland in Janez. Ravno pravšnja mera zabave in resnega dela, da se je večer zavlekel v noč ... Nimam rad, ko je ob delu na drevesih preveč zafrkancije, sinoči je bila mera ravno prava. Ni manjkalo strokovne debate in načrtov.
PS: The next meeting on Wednesday is canceled, we'll prepare our trees for the exhibition in St. Veit, Austria. See you there!
P.S.: Naslednjo sredo srečanja ne bo, svoja drevesa bomo pripravljali na razstavo v St. Veitu v Avstriji. Se vidimo tam!

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