sreda, 30. april 2014


This was a perfect weekend. When bonsai friends like Hans van Meer are here It couldn't be different. We had a lot of fun! My friends and students Roland Petek and Janez Oblak even organized a workshop with Hans and members of Slovenian bonsai club enjoyed his way of teaching. Great stuff!
To je bil popoln vikend. Ko te obiščejo bonsajski prijatelji kot je Hans van Meer, potem ne more biti drugače. Bilo je zelo zabavno! Prijatelja in študenta Roland Petek in Janez Oblak sta celo organizirala delavnico s Hansom in člani Slovenskega bonsaj kluba so uživali v njegovem ​​načinu poučevanja. Zelo dobro!
Hans van Meer performing his famous "van Meer" technique, carefully observed by members of SBC
Anyhow, season in Tora bonsai school is still going on, we had a lot of new students this year!
Kakorkoli, sezona v šoli Tora je še vedno v teku, to leto imamo veliko novih študentov!

sreda, 23. april 2014


After the bad presentation at the EBA convention two years ago, when the tree was already infected with red spider, the Pelican rested for two seasons. During this time it has been transplanted into high-quality Yixing container and gained a lot of new power. I decided that I'll get the tree in shape for International bonsai exhibition, which will be on 31 May to 1 June at Congress center Mons in Ljubljana. (On the official poster is my another Juniper named Mama :-))
Po neposrečeni predstavitvi na konvenciji EBA pred dvema letoma, ko je bil že okužen z rdečim pajkom, je Pelikan dobil dve sezoni zasluženega počitka. Med tem je bil presajen v kakovostno posodo Yixing in nabral veliko novih moči. Odločil sem se, da drevo spravim v formo za Mednarodno razstavo bonsajev, ki bo 31. maja do 1. junija v hotelu Mons v Ljubljani. (Na uradnem plakatu je brin Mama :-) )
After two years of free growth the Juniper was very bushy, so I cleaned at least 50% of  foliage and let in the sun and air.
Brin je bil po dveh letih proste rasti zelo košat, zato sem med čiščenjem porezal vsaj 50% vsega zelenja in v krošnjo spustil sonce in zrak.
The Pelican before work started
Then wiring started. It took me a lot of time, but I was satisfied with the result.
Potem se je začelo žičenje. Vzelo mi je ogromno časa, a rezultat me je zadovoljil.

Right side


 Left side
I progressed upwards towards the top and increasingly enjoyed it. In four years, Pelikan has progressed very nice!
Po drevesu sem napredoval navzgor proti vrhu in vedno bolj užival. V štirih letih je Pelikan že zelo lepo napredoval!

Pelican January 2011
Pelican April 2014
The base is here now. I still have a lot of work on the details until the exhibition: cleaning the bark and dead wood, substrate, pot ... I hope that It will shine in Congress center Mons and show all its charms!
Osnova je zdaj tu. Do razstave me čaka še veliko dela na podrobnostih: čiščenju skorje, urejanju suhega lesa, substrata, posode ... Upam, da bo v Monsu zablestel in pokazal vse svoje čare!

sobota, 19. april 2014


Season continues in full swing,  courses in Tora bonsai school follows one after the other. Students who are involved in year-round schooling are progressing nicely and it is a pleasure to watch how their trees are better and better. The other day Miha demonstrated the technique of air layering. His Fagus, which was styled for the first time this winter, unfortunately has  a big mistake - nebari has a reverse tappering. Miha will attempt to resolve the error by layering; he will move nebari to the most wide point of trunk.
Sezona je še naprej v polnem teku, v šoli Tora si tečaji sledijo drug za drugim. Študentje, ki so vključeni v celoletno šolanje pa lepo napredujejo in prav užitek je gledati, kako so njihovi bonsaji boljši in boljši. Miha je zadnjič demonstriral tehniko zračnega grebeničenja. Njegova bukev, ki je prvo oblikovanje doživela pozimi, ima žal veliko napako - da se pri nebariju oža, namesto, da bi se širila. Miha bo to napako skušal odpraviti z grebeničenjem; nebari bo prestavil na mesto, kjer je bukev v spodnjem delu najširša.
Bark was striped off just below the widest point of the trunk

Miha adding substrate around the layering spot
Procedure was carefuly observed by some members of school
This is just one of the many techniques that are implemented in the school; all with the purpose to get our trees closer to the ideal which we strive!
To je le ena od številnih tehnik, ki jih izvajamo v šoli; vse z namenom, da bi se naša drevesa čim bolj približala idealu, po katerem stremimo! 

torek, 15. april 2014


If all weeks would be such as the last, then I might be able to fulfill my dream and devoted myself solely to bonsai art! :-) Tora Bonsai School is fully occupied, workshops lined up, students are progressing nicely! This time I would like to present the project of Jože's Juniperus Squamata, which is a good example of how one can achieve good results with the good care of the trees.
Če bi bili vsi tedni takšni, kot je bil zadnji, potem bi morda celo lahko uresničil svoje sanje in se posvetil zgolj bonsajizmu! :-) Šola Tora je polno zasedena, delavnice se vrstijo, študenti lepo napredujejo! Tokrat bi rad malce podrobneje predstavil projekt Jožetovega himalajskega brina (Juniperus squamata), ki je dobra ilustracija, kako se s pravo oskrbo drevesa lahko doseže lepe rezultate.
Jože opened the door in to bonsai world :-)
Jože ( I hope you do not mind if I use your photos from the SBK forum ) started this project in spring 2011. He styled a not promissing material as good as he can at the time:
Jože (upam, da mi ne zameriš, če uporabim kar tvoje fotografije s foruma) je s projektom začel spomladi 2011. Zelo povprečen materijal je oblikoval po svojih najboljših močeh:
Juniper squamata, spring 2011 (Foto: Jože)
Following the advice on the forum he re-styled the tree in the same spring, but result still did not look promising.
Po nasvetih na forumu je drevo še isto pomlad nekoliko popravil, vendar še vedno ni deloval obetajoče.
Juniper squamata, spring 2011 (Foto: Jože)
In just one growing season juniper progressed amazingly, in the autumn Jože already made ​​shari, moreover, he has also changed the front.
V samo eni rastni sezoni je brin neverjetno napredoval, saj je Jože jeseni že izdelal šari, poleg tega se je tudi odločil za drugo prednjo stran.
Juniperus squamata, atumn 2011 (Foto: Jože)
In the spring of 2012 Juniper has been transplanted into a bonsai pot and development has continued. In about the same condition the juniper also come to the workshop of Tora bonsai school in Murska Sobota  this Sunday:
Spomladi 2012 je bil brin že presajen v bonsajsko posodo in razvoj se je nadaljeval, v približno takšnem stanju je tudi prišel na nedeljsko delavnico šole Tora v Murski Soboti:
Juniperus squamata, summer 2012
At the workshop we analyzed it, changed the front back to the original one :-) , made a new shari and try to resolve the effect of fishing rods. The result of three years of work is enviable: a classic, if not the stereotypical bonsai. Many like it, others do not, but Jože is to be congratulated for the good care and development of tree.
Na delavnici smo ga analizirali, vrnili prvo stran spet nazaj :-) , izdelali nov šari in se skušali rešiti efekta ribiške palice. Rezultat po treh letih dela je zavidljiv: klasičen, če ne celo stereotipen bonsaj. Mnogim všeč, drugim spet ne, a Jožetu je treba čestitati za dobro oskrbo in razvoj drevesa.
Juniperus squamata, spring 2014
 Another year and a tree will be ready for the exhibition!
Even today we had a lot of fun in the Tora studio - Nataša ran away with a good shohin pine, Iztok came on a course for beginners and became a new studentsn of our school. But the week is not over yet!
Še kakšno leto in drevo bo primerno za razstavo!
Tudi današnji dan je bil v ateljeju zabaven in poln dogajanja - Nataša je pobegnila z dobrim šohin borom, Iztok pa je prišel na tečaj za začetnike in je novi študent naše šole. Pa tedna še ni konec!


petek, 11. april 2014


Some more trees went trough Atelier of Tora bonsai school: Miha started a new project wiith majestic Fagus, we also did some special technique on Alše's Pinus leucodermis.
Še nekaj dreves je te dni šlo skozi atelje šole Tora: Miha je začel nov projekt na mogočni bukvi, na Aleševem bosanskem boru pa smo opravili nekaj specialnih tehnik!

Sašo, a long-term student of Tora bonsai school, did a first step on his Carpinus ...
Sašo, študent daljšega programa šole, je napravil prvi korak na svojem gabru ...

P.S.: See you in Murska Sobota in Sunday!
P.S.: V nedeljo se vidimo v Murski Soboti!

sobota, 5. april 2014


I had a great time in South Africa, but is time to work on trees in Europe again. This time TORA - International bonsai school - worked in Samobor, Croatia. Dean gathered a great group and we had a lot of fun!
V Južni Afriki je bilo krasno, a čas je za delo na drevesih v Evropi. TORA - Mednarodna bonsajska šola - je tokrat gostovala v Samoboru na Hrvaškem. Dean je tam zbral odlično skupino in preživeli smo prijeten dan!