torek, 9. september 2014


This Juniper from Rok's collection represented a big challenge; the condition was that during the styling no branches must be cut off. So I was left with not so many options. I followed the path set by others who worked on this tree before me. It is a neglected itoigawa juniper with good movement. A major problem: the branches are old and the greenery is far from the trunk. The long-term solution is grafting, but this time I tried to compact the tree by directing the branches and with searching for the best line.
Tale brin iz Rokove zbirke mi je predstavljal kar velik izziv, saj je bil pogoj, da pri oblikovanju ne odrežem nobene veje. Tako mi prav veliko možnosti ni ostalo, sledil sem poti, ki so jo pred mano na tem drevesu začrtali že drugi. Gre za zanemarjen brin vrste itoigava z dobrim gibanjem a veliko težavo: veje so stare in zelenje je daleč od debla. Dolgoročna rešitev je cepljenje, tokrat sem ga skušal skompaktirati z usmerjanjem vej in iskanjem linije.
Juniperus chinensis as arrived in studio, September 2014
Considerable work has been done: repairing of the trunk-line and branches, editing the top, work on dead-wood ... I didn't go all the way with the wiring, because this is only a transitional phase. Now the real work on tree begins. When the thick wire and guy-wires will do their work, there will be more than enough time for details. Also watering and fertilizing will be very important ... And of course the new pot, as this is too deep and too narrow.
Opravljenega je bilo kar nekaj dela: popravljanje linije debla in vej, urejanje vrha, urejanje suhega lesa ... Z žičenjem nisem šel do konca, saj je to zgolj prehodna faza. Zdaj se delo na drevesu šele začne. Ko bodo debele žice in napenjalne žice opravile svoje, bo še več kot dovolj časa za podrobnosti. A pomembno bo tudi zalivanje in gnojenje ... Pa seveda nova posoda, saj je ta pregloboka in preozka.
Juniperus chinensis after work, September 2014

Virtual without ugly white pole ...

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