ponedeljek, 29. september 2014


Last Sunday I spent at the exhibition Mostra bonsai "Antica Contea di Gorizia", Italy, in good company of friends. The exhibition has attracted club members from far and near Gorizia and Trieste. The trees were placed in the chambers of the municipal palace in Gorizia; the atmosphere was certainly a special, but trees were somehow lost in all the decoration of rooms, exhibition shelves were without any background.
Nedeljo sem preživel v dobri družbi prijateljev na razstavi Mostra bonsai "Antica Contea di Gorizia". Razstava je privabila člane klubov iz širše okolice Gorice in Trsta. Drevesa so bila postavljena v sobane občinske palače v Gorici; vzdušje je gotovo posebno a bonsaji se nekako izgubijo v vsem okrasju soban, razstavne police so bile namreč brez ozadja.
For photography, the organizers have prepared a neat tokonoma, where the trees were able to show their beauty. Nik also represented Slovenia with his Cornus.
Za fotografiranje so organizatorji pripravili lično tokonomo, kjer so drevesa le lahko pokazala svojo lepoto. Slovenske barve je z drenom zastopal tudi Nik:
I put the Pelican on display, Chinese juniper, which is in top form and deserves admiration. Well, it has earned the title of the most beautiful tree selected by the visitors!
Jaz sem na ogled postavil Pelikana, kitajski brin, ki je v vrhunski formi in si zasluži občudovanje. No, prislužil si je tudi naslov najlepšega drevesa po izboru obiskovalcev!

Club of my first teacher Adriano Bonini has exhibited a powerful boxwood with already very mature crown. The preparation of the tree for the show was very good!
Klub mojega prvega učitelja Adriana Boninija je razstavljal mogočen pušpan z že zelo zrelo krošnjo. Tudi priprava na razstavo je bila opravljena kot se šika!

We spend the day mostly outside, where the workshops were held. Miha has brought spruce, with which we had more than enough work for the day, but still it was fun too!
Dan smo v večini preživeli zunaj, kjer so potekale delavnice. Miha je prinesel smreko, s katero smo imeli več kot dovolj dela za ves dan, pa še zabavno je bilo!

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