After a few months of break Sašo returned into the studio with a new enthusiasm. In spring he brought in the red pine, good, but demanding yamadori. We did the analysis and we roughly outlined the future of the tree; pine remained in the care of the Tora bonsai school over the summer, and with controled fertilising and watering gaining strength. Today, however, we worked on it for real. The tree is distinguished by wonderful details, old flaky bark and outstanding movement. Crown consisted of three branches:
Sašo se je po nekaj mesecih premora z novim elanom vrnil v atelje. Že spomladi je v analizo prinesel rdeč bor, dober, a zahteven jamadori. Takrat sva na grobo začrtala prihodnost drevesa; bor je potem čez poletje ostal v oskrbi v Tori, pod nadzorovanim gnojenjem in zalivanjem pridobival na moči. Danes pa sva se ga lotila zares. Drevo odlikujejo krasni detajli, stara luskasta skorja in izjemno gibanje. Krošnjo so tvorile tri veje:
Pinus sylvetris, material, September 2014
Since this is a kifu size bonsai we decided to build the crown from one branch, the other two branches were cut off and turned in to jins:
Ker gre za bonsaj kifu velikosti sva se odločila, da krošnjo zgradiva iz ene, ostali dve veji pa odreževa in spremeniva v džin:
Pinus sylvestris, after cutting off the branches - the great movement is visible
Then bending of the basic branch and wiring followed. Sašo learn about wiring, the basic skill that enables styling, for the first time and he did it very good. After more than five hours of work the first styling is complete, the result is good:
Sledilo je krivljenje osnovne veje in žičenje. Sašo se je prvič pobližje spoznal s to osnovno veščino, ki omogoča oblikovanje, in se zelo dobro znašel. Po dobrih petih urah dela je prvo oblikovanje končano, rezultat pa dober:
Pinus sylvestris after first styling, September 2014
Pinus sylvestris, white background
Pinus sylvestris with happy owner
In the future the crown will be even more compact, with more open space; movement and the details on the trunk are too interesting to be covered by green. By the spring Sašo will need to find a suitable pot ...
V prihodnosti bo krošnja še kompaktenjša, z več praznega prostora, gibanje in detalji na deblu so namreč preveč zanimivi, da bi ga prekrivalo zelenje. Do spomladi bo treba poiskati tudi primerno posodo ...
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