The spring season is on, students are coming in to atelier one after another but nevertheless I always find the time to work on my trees. This is a story about Crataegus collected in March 2012 in a Karst region. Crataegus is widely used in bonsai art but in Slovenia is somehow neglected. This is just another proof that it is a species worth to try.
Spomladanska sezona je v polnem teku, študentje se drug za drugim vrstijo v ateljeju. Neglede na to vedno najdem tudi čas za delo na svojih drevesih. To je zgodba o glogu, ki je bil izkopan marca 2012 na Krasu. Glog je zelo uporabljana vrsta v bonsajizmu, a v Sloveniji nekako zanemarjena. Ta zgodba je le en majhen dokaz, da je glog vrsta s katero se splača potruditi.
Crataegus in nature, March 2012
Collected, March 2012
After one season of growth (this is usually enough time with Karst species) in March 2013 I started to work: I selected the branches and set the main structure of the tree.
Po eni sezoni rasti (to je pri Kraških vrstah običajno dovolj) sem marca 2013 začel z delom: napravil sem selekcijo vej in postavil osnovni skelet drevesa.
Crataegus after one year of growth, March 2013
After first intervention, March 2013
Crataegus reacted well and in one year time there were a lot of secondary branches already growing. The setting of the crown structure continued.
Glog je dobro reagiral in čez eno leto je bilo v krošnji že veliko sekundarnih vej. Gradnja strukture krošnje se je nadaljevala.
Crataegus reacted well, January 2014
There were already a lot of secondary branches, January 2014
This year I decided that the time for repotting in to first bonsai pot is here. I was surprised with a quality of the root-ball, the tree could be easily potted even in to smaller pot. So the work at first potting now paid off. I prepared two pots: first one is oval from Isabelia, the pot has a nice glaze which is quite similar to the color and texture of the bark on the tree. The second is rectangular from Sperling keramik, nice blue glaze with white clouds on the bottom. I choose the blue one.
Letos sem se odločil, da drevo presadim v prvo bonsajsko posodo. Prijetno sem bil presenečen nad kvaliteto koreninske grude, glog bi zlahka posadil tudi v manjšo posodo. Delo ob prvi saditvi se je torej izplačalo. Pripravil sem dve posodi: ovalno iz Isabelie, posoda ima lepo glazuro, ki je zelo podobna barvi in teksturi skorje. Druga posoda je pravokotna iz Sperling keramik, z lepo modro glazuro in belimi oblaki v spodnjem delu. Izbral sem modro.
Before work, March 2015
After wiring, March 2015, white background
After wiring, March 2015, black background
Development 2013-2015
Pot from Isabelia, or ...
... pot from Sperling?
The blue one! Crataegus in first bonsai pot, March 2015
The development of the tree wil now continue!
Zdaj, ko je drevo v bonsajski posodi, se bo začelo resno delo na drevesu. Razvil bom ramifikacijo, poskušal popraviti čim več napak. Drevo bo potrebovalo nekaj let za zorenje in potem bo pripravljeno za razstavljanje. Kakorkoli - razvoj drevesa je zelo hiter in z dosedanjim razvojem sem več kot zadovoljen.
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