ponedeljek, 23. marec 2015


I collected this spruce in Slovenian Alps and put it to rest for three years. Than the story begun. When the material is well prepared then the development is quite fast. First styling was done in February 2012.
To smreko sem izkopal v naših gorah in jo pustil počivati tri leta. Potem se je začela njena zgodba. Če je materijal dobro pripravljen, potem je razvoj hiter. Prvo oblikovanje je bilo opravljeno februarja 2012.
Picea abies, before first styling, February 2012

Work in progress - first two branches wired

Picea abies after first styling, February 2012
In spring 2013 spruce got its first bonsai pot. A little too big, but I couldn't reduce the root-system more. And then tree exploded! :-) After a proper care tree produce thousands of new buds, development was so quick that I have trouble to follow it. It was wired twice or even three times per year!
Spomladi 2013 je smreka dobila svojo prvo bonsajsko posodo. Malce preveliko, a koreninskega sistema nisem mogel še bolj zmanjšati. In potem je drevo eksplodiralo! :-) Po pravilni oskrbi je smreka nastavila na tisoče brstov, razvoj je bil tako hiter, da sem mu komaj sledil. Prežičena je bila dvakrat ali celo trikrat na leto!
In first bonsai pot - spring 2013

Spruce exploded with tousands of buds
Now the time for re-potting in to smaller pot has come. I was lucky to find this pot which suit it perfectly: with size, color and lines. After three years of hard work the spruce is almost ready for show ... 
Zdaj je prišel čas za presaditev v manjšo posodo. Imel sem srečo, da sem našel posodo, ki ji povsem ustreza: po velikosti, barvi in linijah. Po treh letih trdega dela, je smreka že skoraj pripravljena na razstavljanje ...
Picea abies in final pot, March 2015

Development 2012-2015

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