I took a break before spring climax of work on trees comes, destination: Tenerife. Beautiful Canarian island in the shade of majestic El Teide volcano covered with forests of Canarian Pine - Pinus canariensis.
Predno se začne vrhunec spomladanskega dela na drevesih sem si privoščil oddih, cilj: Tenerife. Krasen Kanarski otok v senci mogočnega vulkana El Teide, pokrit z gozdovi Kanarskega bora - Pinus canariensis.
Tenerife is also home of Bonsai Tenerife and it's owner Jose. Of course I take a chance and visit him. He has a nice collection of trees, especially shohin-size bonsais. But most of all he has a really great collection of antic Japanese pots. Fantastic show of beauty and patina.
Tenerife je tudi dom Bonsai Tenerife in njegovega lastnika Joseja. Seveda sem iskoristil priložnost in ga obiskal. Ima lepo zbirko dreves, predvsem bonsajev šohin velikosti. Toda predvsem ima res izjemno zbirko antičnih japonskih posod. Fantastična predstava lepote in patine.
And because the bonsai world is so small I am sure that we'll met again. Jose, thanks for your hospitality!
Ker je bonsajski svet tako majhen, sem prepričan, da se bova še srečala. Jose, hvala za gostoljubnost!
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