sobota, 10. oktober 2015


Gašper, TORA international bonsai school apprentice, was wiring this Juniper for the last few days. And he did a great job!
Gašper, študent šole TORA, se je zadnje dni posvečal žičenju tega brina. In opravil je zelo dobro delo!
Gašper working
The story of this Juniperus virginana started in October 2011. My dear friend Hans van Meer was guest of our club and during workshop with him I was working on this tree. Material was collected a few years earlier in Poland by another dear friend of mine - Marek Gajda. The line was set, now the real work on the tree started.
Zgodba tega Virginijskega brina se je začela oktobra 2011. Prijatelj Hans van Meer je bil takrat gost našega kluba in med delavnico z njim, sem delal na tem drevesu. Materijal je na Poljskem izkopal moj drug prijatelj - Marek Gajda. Linija je bila določena, zdaj se je začelo resno delo na drevesu.
Juniperus virginiana, October 2011, starting material
Author working on material

Juniperus virginiana after first styling, October 2011

Juniperus virginiana after first styling, October 2011
Two years and some dead branches later the tree was still in development, but progress was clearly visible. I also started to work on dead wood and live veins which, in the future, will help to add the movement in the lower part of the trunk.
Dve leti in nekaj odmrlih vej kasneje je bilo drevo še vedno v razvoju, toda napredek je bil jasno viden. Začel sem tudi z delom na mrtvem lesu in živih venah, ki bodo, v bodočnosti, pomagale dodati gibanje spodnjemu delu debla.
Juniperus virginiana, Jun 2013
Another two years later the tree has made another important step further. Gašper did a great job with the wiring! Meanwhile the Juniper was also re-potted, but now the real search for proper pot will begin. What do you think about the pot: classical half-cascade pot, maybe half-cascade pot with broken edge or even the moon-shaped pot?
Še dve leti kasneje je drevo napravilo še en pomemben korak naprej. Gašper je z žičenjem opravil odlično delo! Med tem je bil brin tudi presajen, toda zdaj se iskanje prave posode šele začenja. Kaj predlagate: klasično pol-kaskadno posodo, morda pol-kaskadno posodo z razbitim robom ali celo luno?
October 2015, white background

October 2015, black background
Four years after intial styling we still folow the original vision. And we are closer and closer to the ultimate goal!
Štiri leta po prvem oblikovanju še vedno sledimo zastavljeni poti. In z vsakim korakom smo bližje cilju! 

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Anonimni pravi ...

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Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

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