From outside it looked as Raje's Larix searching for a new home. But in reality me and Raje were looking where our new home could be in the future ...
Na zunaj je sicer zgledalo, da nov dom išče Rajetov macesen, v bistvu pa sva šla pogledat, kje je v nadaljevanju lahko najin dom ...
Enrico Savini living his bonsai-life in suburban villa near Bologna. He is a boutique collector; his garden is a small version of Masahiko Kimura's garden ... In did, some masterpieces of Japanese master now are owned by Enrico Savini. All of them with new, Savini's soul, of course. But there are also completely his trees, from raw material to "finished" bonsai. One could not believe that this is an indigenous species of Juniperus phoenicea and not imported Itoigawa. Even with material Enrico is extremely fastidious. He picks up only the best, so in his garden you would not find a hundreds of trees. There are just a few, but they are very very promising.
Enrico Savini svoje bonsajsko življenje živi v primestni vili blizu Bologne. Pravi zbirateljski sladokusec; njegov vrt je pomanjšana verzija Kimurinega vrta ... V resnici je kar nekaj mojstrovin japonskega bonsajista zdaj v lasti Enrica Savinija. Vsem je seveda z redizajnom vdihnil svojo dušo. Tu so tudi povsem njegova drevesa, od grobega materijala do "končanega" bonsaja. Človek skoraj ne more verjeti, da gre za avtohtono vrsto feničanskega brina in ne uvoženo itoigavo.Tudi pri izboru materijala je Enrico izjemno izbirčen. Izbira samo najboljše, zato v njegovem vrtu ne boste našli na stotine dreves. Le nekaj jih je, a ta obljubljajo največ.


Rajko standing beside a new Noelander's Trophy winner? Enrico is preparing this Juniperus phoenicea for next trophy.

There is just a top raw material
Behind the school door every time something is going on. This time Enrico with his student Tomas are working on new Kimura's masterpiece - he will re-design another juniper.
Za vrati šole se ves čas dogaja. Tokrat se Enrico z svojim študentom Tomasom ukvarja z novo Kimurino mojstrovino - po svojem okusu bo preoblikoval še en brin.
P.S.: On the web page of Progetto Futuro school you'll find also our members, from first year in Tora. Enrico in sending a nice hello to everybody and he is also sending a cool member's card. You'll get them as we meet!
P.S.: Na strani šole Progetto Futuro se boste med člani šole našli vsi iz prvega letnika slovenske podružnice. Enrico vam pošilja prisrčne pozdrave in kulske članske izkaznice. Dobite jih ob prvi priložnosti!
P.P.S.: Barcelona, here I come!
P.P.S.: Barcelona, prihajam!
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