ponedeljek, 4. oktober 2010


Every time I attend a workshop or demonstration at the end of the day I ask my self: did I learned something new? If the answer is yes then the goal is achieved. Last two days in Tora absolutely achieved this goal. Even more than that.

Vedno, ko se udeležujem delavnic ali demonstracij, se po koncu dneva vprašam: sem se naučil kaj novega? Če je odgovor pritrdilen, potem je namen dosežen. Dvodnevno druženje v Tori je prav gotovo doseglo svoj namen. Več kot to.

This weekend we opened the brunch of Progetto Futuro school. The lecturer was Ivo Saporiti who fulfilled all expectations of 10 students. "This is not a demonstration, this is a school," he repeated many times and works on the trees developed into a projects. He was focused, every tree get amount of attention that it deserved. For me and Rajko this weekend was a new step at our way: we have a big plans with Tora and the school is only the beginning.

Ta konec tedna smo v Tori odprli prvi letnik podružnice šole Progetto Futuro. Predavatelj je bil Ivo Saporiti, ki je izpolnil pričakovanja 10-ih študentov. "To ni demonstracija, to je šola," je ves čas ponavljal in dela na drevesih so se razvila v projekte. Osredotočen; vsako drevo je dobilo pozornost, ki si ga zasluži. Zame in za Rajkota je bil ta konec tedna nov korak na najini poti: s Toro sva in še vedno imava velike načrte, šola je le začetek.
Ivo Saporiti

Progetto Futuro in Tora

Ivo focused on each and every tree and student

We used a lot of rafia ...

... and wire ...

The working atmosphere was great

Every step was carefully documented

And results were not bad ... (before)

Tomaz's juniper (after)

Next session of first year will be next spring, in March

Naslednje srečanje prvega letnika bo prihodnjo pomlad, marca.

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