Last time I mentioned a workshop for three students that I want to organize in near future. I didn't even publish a date when all free spots were already taken! Because of huge interest I'll organize more workshops in the future. Thank you all who trust our school, it is a great pleasure working with you!
If you feel pleasant restlessness and expectations in the morning then you gonna do what you like doing. Joze, Roland, Jan and Miha probably feel the same this time. After some basic workshops it was a pleasure to work on good material from experienced bonsaists. All four of them worked on broadleaved trees, Acer campestre, Acer palmatum, Carpinus betulus and Fagus sylvatica were the species we worked on.
Zadnjič sem zgolj omenil, da bom ob prvi priložnosti organiziral delavnico in da bo prostora za tri učence. Še datuma nisem utegnil objaviti, ko so bila mesta že zasedena! Zanimanje je tolikšno, da delavnic tudi v prihodnje ne bo manjkalo! Hvala vsem, ki šoli TORA izkazujete zaupanje, užitek je delati z vami.
Če zjutraj pred delavnico čutiš prijeten nemir in pričakovanje, potem gotovo delaš to, kar te veseli. In isto so najbrž občutili tudi Jože, Roland, Jan in Miha, ki so tokrat prišli v šolo; po nekaj začetnih tečajih je bilo užitek delati na kvalitetnem materijalu bonsajistov, ki že obvladajo osnovne veščine. Vsi štirje so delali na listavcih, poljski in japonski javor, gaber in bukev so vrste, ki smo jih obdelali.
Jan and Joze working
Miha was working on great Acer campestre

Some "special" techniques
Joze concentrating
Only in TORA you can work in T-shirt with snowy mountains for background
In the school we never rush, we never cut a shortcut because that could harm the tree. All of them did a great step forward today, towards final goal - bonsai. Far from being "finished", only with thoughts how to go on. With broadleaved trees this is the only possible way.
V šoli ne hitimo do končnega rezultata, ne ubiramo bližnjic, ker bi to pomenilo škodo za drevesa. Vsa so danes napravila velik korak naprej h končnemu cilju - bonsaju; daleč od tega pa, da bi bila "dokončana", le z mislijo na naslednje korake. Pri listavcih je takšen način dela pravzaprav edini možen.
The final touch ...
Before ...
After first step
After ...
Every student learned something new today. That is the purpose of such workshops - to improve bonsai-skills, to get the right feeling for different species and for shaping. A little detail with wiring, special work on deadwood or protection of it ... Bonsai-knowledge is endless. Interesting is that sometimes you need just a little hint and everything is then logic and clear. And this is school for. See you next time!
Vsak med študenti se je danes naučil nekaj novega in to je tudi namen takšnih srečanj - piljenje bonsajskih veščin, pridobivanje občutka za posamezne vrste in oblikovanje. Podrobnost pri žičenju, posebna obdelava in zaščita suhega lesa ... Bonsajsko znanje se zdi neskončno globok vodnjak; zanimivo pa je, kako včasih rabiš le majhen namig in vse ti postane logično in kristalno jasno. In tudi temu je namenjeno šolanje. Se vidimo naslednjič!
2 komentarja:
Very interested in what that is on the tips of some cuts where it says 'specialized' work? Is that a different way to seal a cut being used?
We used ordinary aluminium foil. This technique is very good for seal a cut.Cut paste just on the edges and over it an aluminium foil.
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