I was checking my photographs on computer when I saw this photos of red pine that I was shaping during last year's demonstration in Warsaw. This are photos before (after the upper part of trunk was already twisted) and after:
Med pregledovajem fotografij sem naletel tudi na fotografije rdečega bora, ki sem ga oblikoval na demonstraciji lani v Varšavi. Tu sta sliki prej (ko je že ukrivljen zgornji del) in potem:
Movement is OK. The crown will be slimmed a bit in a year or two, it is still too dominant. Then I'll re-pot it and this is it. I like literati style more and more because of it's expression.
Gibanje je OK. Krošnjo bom v sezoni ali dveh še zreduciral, je še nekoliko predominantna. Potem pa posoda in to je to. Literati slog mi je zaradi izpovednosti veno bolj všeč!
1 komentar:
Meni tudi! Le kako je lahko neka tako elegantnega tako bogato!
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