petek, 25. marec 2011


If day would be 48 hrs long it would be just right in this time of year ... In the morning we, me and Joze, were working on giant Crataegus, which is joined by dead Sorbus. At the end we did it by chainsaw!

Če bi imel dan 48 ur, bi bil v tem obdobju ravno prav dolg .... Dopoldne sva z Jožetom delala na velikanskem glogu, ki ga objema suh mokovec. Na koncu sva se ga lotila kar z motorko!

In the afternoon I finally find some time for my trees. Juniper which I brought from Belgium in 2009 (it is urban yamadori) get his first bonsai-pot. When I took it out of plastic container it was clear that combing the roots will not be possible. In reach humus Juniperus grew so many roots that if I would try to comb the roots I would be damaging the root ball. So I simply cut 1/3 of the root ball and put it into pot.

Popoldne sem le našel čas tudi za svoja drevesa. Brin, ki sem ga leta 2009 pripeljal iz Belgije (gre za urbani jamadori), je dobil svojo prvo posodo. Ko sem ga vzel iz plastičnega kontejnerja je bilo kmalu jasno, da ne bo nič z razčesavanjem korenin. V bogatem humusus se je brin tako prekoreninil, da bi z vsakim razčesavanjem napravil več škode kot koristi. Zato sem enostavno odžagal tretjino korenin in ga posadil v novo posodo.

Despite of high pot it is still planted too high. But I'll change that next time. Now I'll concentrate on detailed wiring of crown and work on dead wood.

Kljub relativno visoki posodi je še vedno posajen previsoko. Ampak vse ob svojem času. Zdaj me najprej čaka detaljno urejanje krošnje in delo na suhem lesu.

Still, from autumn 2009 until now It did a great step forward ...

Vseeno pa je od jeseni 2009 napravil kar lepo pot ...

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