Bonsai Slovakia is a special event. Special because of many reasons: because of great hosts Alenka and Vladimir Ondejčik who make every guest to feel like a king; because of guests from all over the world who are coming to Nitra to show their bonsai knowledge; because of new friends; because of tea; and because of trees. Because of all that I am returning in Nitra with pleasure.
Bonsai Slovakia je poseben dogodek. Poseben iz večih razlogov: zaradi izjemnih gostiteljev Alenke in Vladimirja Ondejčika, ki poskrbita, da se vsi njuni gostje počutijo kot kralji; zaradi gostov iz vsega sveta, ki v Nitro prihajajo predstavljat svoje bonsajsko znanje; zaradi prijateljskih vezi, ki se tam stkejo; zaradi čaja; in nenazadnje tudi zaradi dreves. Zaradi vsega tega, se v Nitro vedno rad vračam.
Alenka and Vladimir were great hosts
Bonsai Slovakia is also about suiseki and most of all - tea!
This time Bonsai Slovakia, this was a 15th edition, hosted bonsai artists from South America, Africa and many European countries. At demonstrations we could saw different styles and approaches, the program was running non-stop for four full days. Alenka and Vladimir Ondejčik are not only great hosts but also a great organizers.
Tokrat je Bonsai Slovakia, ki je letos praznoval 15-to obletnico, gostil bonsajiste iz Južne Amerike, Afrike in številnih evropskih držav. Na demonstracijah smo lahko spremljali različne sloge in pristope, spremljevalni program je brez predaha potekal polne štiri dni. Alenka in Vladimir Ondejčik sta ne samo izvrstna gostitelja, ampak tudi izjemna organizatorja.
Non-stop program on main stage. Not only bonsai-demonstrations ...
One can not go to Nitra with bonsai-preconceptions. Everybody can exhibit on this show. There is no selection, so the exhibition is not at an average high level. But it is great because of other things. Of course there are also great trees. But the demonstrations are the greatest. Me and Roland will remember the demonstration of Bernie O'Callaghan from Namibia who performed a typical African "tree turned over by elephant" style on Larix. :-) Great!
V Nitro človek ne sme priti obremenjen z bonsajskimi predsodki. Na razstavi lahko razstavlja vsak, ki si želi, selekcije ni, zato v povprečju razstava ni na visokem kvalitetnem nivoju. Toda krasijo jo druge stvari. Seveda se najdejo tudi vrhunska drevesa. Predvsem pa navdušujejo demonstracije. Z Rolandom si bova gotovo najbolj zapomnila demonstracijo Bernia O'Callaghana iz Namibije, ki je na macesnu prikazal tipično afriški "drevo, ki ga je prevrnil slon" slog. :-) Super!
Bernie O'Callaghan and Vladimir discussing "elephant" style
Me and Roland, who was great assistant, worked on a Janez's spruce. There was a lot of wiring, but at the end the result was good. The responses from audience were good too.
Z Rolandom, ki je bil izjemen asistent, sva delala na smreki, ki jo je za demosntracijo žrtvoval Janez. Ogromno žičenja, toda na koncu je bil rezultat spodoben. Odzivi so bili dobri.
Spruce before
Spruce after our demonstration
I could go on and on with writing about Nitra. So many different talks, exchanges of views, old and new friends. One must come to Nitra and experienced by himself, then one can understand. I'll be back for sure.
V bistvu bi lahko o vtisih še kar pisal in pisal. Toliko različnih pogovorov, izmenjave mnenj, starih in novih prijateljev. V bistvu mora vsak sam priti v Nitro in doživeti, potem bo razumel. Jaz se tja gotovo še vrnem.
Pinus sylvestris by Andrea Melloni, the winner of the exhibition
Taxus baccata by Erik Tomko
My composition
Quercus pubescens by Karl Thier and Silvia Wiedel