Me and Roland spent this weekend in Zagreb. Workshop with Croatian group of TORA students passed in a pleasant atmosphere, Nikolaj and Dean, great enthusiasts, did take care of everything. In Saturday we did a demo on spruce; after six hours of work on the tree the makeover was evident - another tree has a great future. Tired from the week we spent with Hans Van Meer, Dean just take us to eat famous Samobor cream cake and then we went to early sleep ...
Konec tedna sva z Rolandom preživela v Zagrebu. Delavnica s hrvaško skupino TORA je minila v prijetnem vzdušju, Nikolaj in Dean, izjemna intuziasta, sta tudi tokrat poskrbela za vse. V soboto sva z Rolandom opravila demonstracijo na smreki, po šestih urah dela na drevesu je bila preobrazba očitna - še eno drevo ima lepo prihodnost. Utrujena še od tedna preživetega s Hansom Van Meerom sva v Deanovi družbi pojedla še slavno Samoborsko kremno rezino in že zgodaj sladko zaspala ...
Spruce before the demo
In Sunday we concentrated on re-potting. At the end of the day two trees, which we work on since the first workshop, did another step forward. It is a shame that we didn't have appropriate pots, if we did have them, this trees would be "finished" and ready for show. But there will be time for that in the future. For now both are a proof that with right work even on ordinary material from garden center we could achieve a lot. What will happen, when we'll work on great material!?
V nedeljo smo se posvetili presajanju. Ob koncu dneva sta dve drevesi, ki nastajata že od prvega srečanja, napravili še en velik kokrak naprej. Škoda, da ni bilo na voljo primernih posod, sicer bi bili drevesi že "dokončani", pripravljeni na razstavljanje. Ampak tudi za to bo še čas. Sta pa obe dokaz, da se s pravilnim delom tudi na povsem običajnem materijalu iz drevesnice lahko daleč pride. Kaj bo šele, ko bomo delali na vrhunskem materijalu!
Roland and Dean discussing the tree
Nikolaj re-potting
As a great pine somewhere at cliff
Nice tree from ordinary garden-material
2 komentarja:
Si morda pomislil, da bi se lahko spotoma ustavila tudi v NM na kavi :) ?! next time
Nisem, pa bi moral. Oba sva bila mrtva, tako, da bi nama kava ZELO prav prišla! Next time, for sure!
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