At last night TORA session I finished (more or less) the work on Fagus for this spring. Beech was collected by Roland and then it find the way in to my garden. The main branches are positioned, I'll deal with details in next seasons. But even now I can see, that this will be a great tree!
Na sinočnji delavnici skupine TORA sem bolj ali manj dokončal delo na bukvi za to pomlad. Bukev je izkopal Roland, potem pa je našla pot v moj vrt. Osnovne veje so pozicionirane, z detajli se bom ukvarjal v naslednjih sezonah. Že zdaj pa slutim, da bo to izjemno drevo!
Fagus before
Fagus after first spring work
I finished my work despite tiredness, we returned from Czech in the middle of the night. We bring the trees for NTC from Vaclav Novak center. On this junipers candidates from 16 countries will work in May at EBA convention. The winner will be pronounced for European new talent.
Delo sem opravil kljub veliki utrujenosti, ponoči smo se Tomaž, Janez in jaz namreč vrnili s Češke, kjer smo pri Vaclavu Novaku nabavili drevesa za NTC. Na teh brinih bodo maja v Monsu na konvenciji EBA delali kandidati iz 16-ih držav in se potegovali za naslov novega evropskega talenta.
Vaclav Novak - always buisy
Vaclav is preparing his trees to send them for exhibition in Korea!
The Czech NTC candidate Jan Culek is preparing for competition at Vaclav's place
So, we returned home with truck full of trees. But this toll tree is not for NTC, of course. It is my new treasure. Juniper is the project for next two or three seasons, and then it will became a winner. ;-) After a long journey it find a new home. It is very interesting, how one tree, which could stay in one place for all its life, with roots firmly in the ground, travel a half of the world to make a person in the other side of the planet happy. I am not complaining!
Domov je torej prispel poln kombi dreves. Tisto štrleče drevo seveda ni namenjeno tekmovanju novih talentov. To je moj novi zaklad. Brin je projekt za naslednji dve-tri sezone, ko bo postal zmagovalec. ;-) Po dolgem potovanju je dobil svoj novi dom. Zanimivo, da drevo, ki bi po definiciji moralo življenje preživeti na enem mestu, vkoreninjeno v tla, takole prepotuje pol sveta in osreči človeka na drugi strani planeta. Nič se ne pritožujem!
Juniper - future front?
Juniper - future back?
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