petek, 27. april 2012


In last few days students in TORA school worked on long-term projects. Lets start with last one: this morning me and Primož, we did a step forward on his spruce. Now the spruce is really close to it's goal - re-potting in to bonsai-pot, final definition of crown and at the end exhibiting. Max two years more. We started with this project in autumn 2010:

V zadnjih dveh dneh smo s študenti v TORA šoli delali na dolgoročnih projektih. Naj začnem z zadnjim: dopoldne sva s Primožem na njegovi smreki napravila še en korak naprej. Zdaj je res že blizu svojemu cilju - presaditvi v bonsajsko posodo, dokončnemu definiranju krošnje in razstavljanju. Še največ dve leti. Na projektu sva začela delati jeseni leta 2010:

October 2010 - starting material

October 2010 - after first intervention

August 2011 - before second step

August 2011 - after second step

April 2012 - before third step

April 2012 - after third step

Dejan's pine got it's new pot. Pine is great in upper part but it missing nebari. Dejan did a long journey with this tree and he likes it as it is. We started this project exactly one year ago: 

Dejanov bor je včeraj dobil novo posodo. Boru, ki je v zgornji tretjini izvrsten, sicer manjka nebari, a Dejan je z drevesom prehodil že dolgo pot in mu je všeč, kakršen je. Začetek tega projekta je star točno eno leto:

April 2011 - starting material

April 2011 - after first shaping

October 2011 - after second wiring

April 2012 - re-potted in to new pot

Step by step. Students getting familiar with new techniques and they learn how to take care of the tree. And fresh project - last night Miha did a first step on his black pine. With heavy bending he create a good line and from now one everything is a little easier!

Korak za korakom. Študentje sproti spoznavajo nove in nove tehnike in se učijo skrbeti za drevo. In še čisto sveži projekt - Miha je sinoči opravil prvi poseg na črnem boru. Z močnim krivljenjem je prišel do dobre linije od tu naprej je vse veliko lažje! 

Miha's Pinus nigra after bending

Close-up of bending area

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