četrtek, 6. september 2012


I started to work on this juniper in autumn 2009. It is an urban yamadori, It found it's way in to my garden a year before trough Rajko. In 2009 It was shaped for the first time, in spring 2011 potted in to first bonsai-pot and re-wired, after this summer when it got a right doze of sun, water and food it was re-wired again and formed in details.  
Na tem kitajskem brinu sem začel delat jeseni 2009. Gre za urbani jamadori, ki je v moj vrt prišel leto prej preko Rajkota. Leta 2009 je bil prvič oblikovan, spomladi 2011 presajen v prvo bonsajsko posodo in ponovno ožičen, po letošnjem poletju, ko je dobil pravo dozo sonca, vode in hranil pa spet popolnoma razžičen in podrobno formiran.
2009 - starting material
I needed only one day to cut off all the wire, but to wired it again it was a completely different story. Because the structure of the crown was still in developing process, the thinning of the wild growth was needed. I did the selection of secondary branches and cut off some ugly big ones too. Then I concentrated on detailed wiring. The basic branches hold their position and didn't needed a new wire, but all the rest was wired again. All together more then 15 hours of work (in real: the whole week, for a few hours per day). More or less pure enjoyment! Now the structure of the crown is more or less finished, it just need to mature. The position in the pot is still to high but I'll correct that at next re-potting.
Za razžičenje sem potreboval le en dan, povsem druga zgodba pa je bila ponovno žičenje. Ker je bila struktura krošnje še v nastajanju, je bilo treba po divji rasti krepko razredčiti, napraviti selekcijo sekundarnih vej, tudi nekaj grdih primarnih je bilo odrezanih, in se nato posvetiti res podrobnemu žičenju. Osnovne veje so sicer že obstale in niso potrebovale ponovnega žičenja, zato pa je bilo toliko več dela z ostalimi. Vsega skupaj preračunano več kot 15 ur dela (v resnici pa cel teden, vsak dan po nekaj ur). Bolj ali manj čiste uživancije! Zdaj je struktura krošnje bolj ali manj dokončna, le še dozoreti mora. Pozicija v posodi je še nekoliko previsoka, to bom popravil ob naslednjem presajanju.
It was growing so fast this summer that even bark cracked

The crown need to mature

2012 - before wiring

2012 - after a week of detailed wiring
Now the juniper will be prepared for the winter, next year I'll concentrated on pinching and maintenance. Maintenance is as important for developing a good tree as shaping is. At least so.
Brin zdaj čaka priprava na zimo, naslednje leto pa skrbno vršičkanje in vzdrževanje, ki je za razvoj dobrega drevesa vsaj tako pomembno, kot samo oblikovanje.

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