Last night's meeting of the Tora group was very busy again. And Valter came to see us, he bring me the perfectly carved stone for base of supporting pillar, but that's another story ...
Sinočnje srečanje skupine Tora je bilo spet zelo delavno. Pa še Valter nas je prišel pogledat; pripeljal mi je odlično obdelan kamen za vznožje podpornega stebra, ampak to je že druga zgodba ...
Janez burned his mugo pine, we almost evacuated studio due to smoke ...
Janez je kuril svoje ruševje, da smo zaradi dima skoraj evakuirali atelje ...
With what a beast was Janez dealing is clearly visible in the picture below ...
S kakšno mrcino se je Janez ukvarjal je dobro vidno na spodnji sliki ...
While Tomaž was wiring the pine we started in Sunday, Raje was finshing his almost two months of work on the juniper. First he made a before photo for documentation:
Med tem, ko je Tomaž v ozadju žičil v nedeljo začeti bor, je Raje po skoraj dveh mesecih dela na brinu, končeval svoj projekt. Najprej fotka za dokumentacijo pred oblikovanjem:
Then he take a deep breath and started to concentrate infront of the wired tree:
Potem globok vdih in koncentracija pred ožičenim drevesom:
And this is the current result after shaping. As I know Raje, juniper will see many changes before it wil received its final form. This is only the beginning of a long journey!
In trenutni rezultat po oblikovanju. Kot poznam Rajeta, bo brin doživel še veliko predelav in sprememb, preden bo dobil končno obliko. To je zgolj začetek dolge poti!
And the result of Tomaž's work. As you can read in the previous article, he came in for an individual workshop. We planed work on pine, on which he did not know what to do next. This is the usual material from the nursery, which has made a step forward. Below are the before and after pictures:
In še rezultat Tomaževega dela. Kot ste lahko prebrali v prejšnjem prispevku, se je v nedeljo oglail na individualni delavnici. Napravila sva načrt dela na boru, na katerem ni vedel več kako naprej. Gre za običajen materijal iz drevesnice, ki je napravil korak naprej. Spodaj sta sliki prej in potem:
A step forward is made, and this was also the most important for Tomaž. Now the intensive work on the tree comes, this pine is more than adequate for learning. And then, when everyone else already put away their tools, Roland and Valter were still discussing the possibilities on Roland's juniper ...
Korak naprej je storjen in to je bilo tudi za Tomaža najpomembnejše. Zdaj pride na vrsto intenzivno delo na drevesu, ta bor je za učenje več kot primeren. In potem, ko so vsi drugi že pospravili orodje, sta Roland in Valter še dolgo debatirala o možnostih, ki jih ponuja Rolandov brin ...