četrtek, 1. november 2012


The members of the Tora school, we spent another pleasant evening. Working atmosphere in the workshop with good music, the smell of the trees and tea - one can hardly imagine anything better :-) Janez, Miha, Tomaž and a new member Urban came to this session. Urban came to refresh his knowledge from basic course and was working on a larch. Miha continued wiring his chamaecyparis, Tomaž continued his work on juniper, Janez started wiring his Japanese pine - Goyomatsu. We have corrected the position of the tree a little, in next few sessions Janez will be devoted to the precise wiring. Branch after branch, at the end the tree will be defined up to the last needle.
S člani šole Tora smo preživeli še en prijeten večer. Delovno vzdušje v delavnici ob dobri glasbi, vonju dreves in čaja - človek bi si težko zamislil kaj boljšega :-) Janez, Miha, Tomaž in novi član Urban, so prišli na tokratno seanso. Urban je prišel osveževat znanje z začetnega tečaja in je delal na macesnu. Miha je nadaljeval žičenje na pacipresi, Tomaž delo na brinu, Janez pa je začel z žičenjem na japonskem petigličnem boru, po japonsko gojomacu. Nekoliko smo popravili položaj drevesa v posodi, naslednjih nekaj seans pa se bo Janez posvetil natančnemu žičenju. Vejo po vejo, na koncu bo drevo zdefinirano do zadnje iglice.
Working atmosphere in the workshop ...
Tomaž working on Juniper
Janez started a detailed work on Goyomatsu

Just one branch finished - the rest 100 will be done in near future :-)

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