Even though I know that I am always surprised by how good trees the boys have home. Rough diamonds, but within a few years this trees will be excellent bonsai. Again, we met with the Maribor branch of Tora bonsai school, Dušan joined the group.
Saj vem, ampak vseeno me vedno znova preseneti, kako dobra drevesa imajo fantje doma. Še neobrušene diamante, ki pa bodo v nekaj letih vrhunski bonsaji. Spet smo se srečali z Mariborsko podružnico šole Tora, skupini se je pridružil še Dušan.

The tree that I was impressed this time and which by my opinion has a very good potential is Andrej's Prunus mahaleb. Apparently in nature did not look anything special; potential has only begun to show in the pot, finally, we gave a great future to tree with first step at the last meeting in Maribor.
Drevo, ki me je tokrat navdušilo in ki ima po moje zelo dober potencial, je Andrejeva rešelika. V naravi menda ni izgledala nič posebnega; potencial se je začel kazati šele v posodi, dokončno pa smo odlično prihodnost drevesu zakoličili na zadnjem srečanju v Mariboru.
It is a massive tree, with the first work on dead wood (we tried something different and new techniques), and with the choice of front Andrej discovered the best possible line.
Gre za masivno drevo; Andrej je s prvo obdelavo suhega lesa (preizkusili smo nekaj različnih in novih tehnik), in izbiro prednje strani izluščil najboljšo možno linijo.
Next step is building of the crown, the first primary branches. In this kind of species this goes very fast. Nebari which is not ideal is the minor defect of this tree, but in such a great material that's not a serious error.
Zdaj je na vrsti graditev krošnje, najprej osnovnih vej. Pri tej vrsti gre to zelo hitro. Manjša pomankljivost na drevesu je le nebari, ki ni idealen, ampak pri takem drevesu tudi to ni huda napaka.
P. S.: If you want to join Maribor, S. Primorska or the central group of Tora bonsa school, you are welcome!
P.S.: Če se želite pridružiti Mariborski, S. Primorski ali centralni skupini šole Tora, ste dobrodošli!
PPS: Prunus at the photo below is also in the phase of building a crown and a few years away from the target. But the contrast between the delicate white flowers and coarse skeleton, these days is really remarkable!
P.P.S.: Spodnja rešelika je tudi v fazi graditve krošnje in še nekaj let stran od cilja. Ampak kontrast med nežnimi belimi cvetovi in grobim skeletom je v teh dneh res izjemen!