petek, 5. april 2013


In recent days I finally devoted my time to Old lady. The tree has a special place in my collection: it comes from the places where I spent my childhood, we've been together for a decade, we are growing together in bonsai way. When I look at pictures, I am always surprised by transformation it experienced, what path we've walked.
V zadnjih dneh sem se končno lahko posvetil Stari dami. Drevo ima v moji zbirki posebno mesto: prihaja iz krajev, kjer sem preživel otroštvo, skupaj sva že celo desetletje, skupaj bonsajsko odraščava. Ko gledam slike, me vedno znova preseneti kakšno preobrazbo je doživela, kakšno pot sva že prehodila.
Starting material a decade ago
Like every spring, I cut some branches to rejuvenate the crown and wired the new growth. After three seasons, I also re-potted it back into the same pot. Now I am already thinking about a new, slightly larger pot, which will be similar to present one. Oh, Matej, when I then looked it for some time, I turned it back to the previous position :-) And the Old lady is ready for the new season!
Kot vsako leto spomladi, sem jo tudi tokrat obrezal, pomladil krošnjo in ožičil nov prirast. Po treh sezonah sem jo tudi presadil nazaj v isto posodo. Zdaj pa že razmišljam o novi, malce večji posodi, ki pa bo sicer sedanji povsem podobna. Aja, Matej, ko sem jo potem še nekaj časa gledal, sem jo obrnil nazaj v prejšnjo položaj :-) In Stara dama je pripravljena na novo sezono!

I also started with the main project of this spring - the styling of juniper, which I have called Mom. More on this will follow ...
Začel sem tudi z osrednjim projektom te pomladi - oblikovanjem brina, ki sem ga poimenoval kar Mama. Več o tem seveda v nadaljevanju ...

PS: Tomorrow we'll open the Tora school branch in Maribor!
P.S.: Jutri podružnico Tore odpiramo še v Mariboru!

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