sobota, 6. april 2013


The opening of a branch of Tora school in Maribor was successful. Simon was the initiator and organizer, Davorin, Andrej and Dominik have already joined the group, of course, we hope that we will be joined by anyone from Štajerska region. The students will tell you best, how much knowledge they have already taken at the first meeting :-)!
Odprtje podružnice šole Tora v Mariboru je bilo uspešno. Simon je bil pobudnik in organizator, Davorin, Andrej in Dominik so se skupini že pridružili, upamo seveda, da se nam bo v nadaljevanju pridružil še kdo s Štajerskega konca. Koliko znanja so študentje odnesli že s prvega srečanja, vedo najbolje povedati sami :-) !
Working place
Andrej brought some exceptional Prunus mahaleb trees, Davorin worked on a small Carpinus, Dominik on larch.
Andrej je na srečanje prinesel nekaj izjemnih rešelik, Davorin je delal na manjšem gabru, Dominik na macesnu.
Andrej working
Simon has worked on the great Carpinus betulus. Collected three years ago from the hedge, It was more than prepared for first step. After pruning, working with power tools and wiring the outline of a future bonsai is merging out of the dense bush. Carpinus have some great natural lines on some branches, while others branches will need to grow. What will be done with the middle section, where now stands the other shortened trunk, the Simon will decided in near future. But now we can see that the tree has a large potential!
Simon je delal na kapitalnem gabru. Izkopan pred tremi leti iz žive meje, je bil več kot pripravljen za prvi korak. Iz gostega grma je po obrezovanju, rezkanju in žičenju že viden obris bodočega bonsaja. Gaber krasijo naravne linije nekaterih vej, druge bo treba še vzgojiti. Kaj bo storil z srednjim delom, kjer izstopa zdaj skrajšano drugo deblo, se bo Simon še odločil. A že zdaj se vidi, da ima drevo velik potencijal!
Simon working on Carpinus
and after first step 

Štajerci welcome to our company!
Štajerci vabljeni v našo družbo!  

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