četrtek, 4. april 2013


Sometimes with a bit of luck one can get a good material for a little money. Gregor has prove for that. At the session of Primorska branch of Tora school  he brought Chinese elm, which has an interesting history. Some years ago Gregor bought it from the store for a few euros. The tree was intended to be discarded because of the damage made ​​by a red spider. But with a good care the tree recovered and start to live a new life.
Da se včasih z malo sreče tudi za majhen denar da dobiti dober materijal je dokazal Gregor. Na seanso primorske podružnice šole Tora je prinesel kitajski brest, ki ima zanimivo zgodovino. Pred leti ga je Gregor kupil od trgovca za nekaj evrov. Drevo je bilo zaradi škode, ki jo je napravil rdeči pajek, namenjeno za odpis. A se je z dobro oskrbo popravilo in zaživelo novo življenje.
Later Gregor styled it, and then, as he says himself, somehow stuck and was not able to go a step further.
Gregor ga je kasneje tudi oblikoval, potem pa, kot pravi sam, nekako obstal in ni znal napraviti koraka naprej.
So the tree stagnated, but still gain in strength. At the séance in the Žogica tree definitely did a good step forward. It is a very good material, which was nowhere cut or grafted​​, but it was prepared for many years in the East. A really good buy!
Drevo je tako stagniralo, a vseeno pridobivalo na moči. Na seansi v Žogici je drevo vsekakor napravilo dober korak naprej. Gre za zelo dober materijal, ki ni bil nikjer rezan ali cepljen, temveč je bil dolga leta na Vzhodu vzgajan in pripravljan za bonsajsko pot. Res dober nakup!

Ulmus as arrived at workshop

Gregor working

Ulmus after styling

In the upper third of the crown one branch towards the observer is missing, but there in the right place is already a bud that will ensure that this branch will grew in a year or two. Meanwhile Gregor will look for a proper pot and the tree that was intended to die will be rady for the exhibition!
V zgornji tretjini krošnje manjka veja proti opazovalcu, vendar je tam že brst, ki bo poskrbel, da bo ta veja v dobrem letu zrastla. Med tem bo Gregor poiskal primerno posodo in drevo, ki se mu ni pisalo nič dobrega, bo pripravljeno na razstavo!
Students of Primorska branch of Tora school continued to prove that they have a great materila at home, they only lacked a bit of knowledge and encouragement, and in the next few years we can expect great results! David has embarked Cornus with the chainsaw ...
Še naprej študentje primorske podružnice šole Tora dokazujejo, da imajo doma izjemen materijal; manjkalo jim je le nekaj znanja in vzpodbude in že v naslednjih letih lahko pričakujemo odlične rezultate! David se je drena lotil kar z motorko ...

Bojan worked with Prunus.
Bojan je delal na rešeliki.

Matjaž was serious with shohin Cornus. We had a great evening!

Matjaž pa je resno zastavil na drenu šohin velikosti. Za nami je nov odličen večer!


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