nedelja, 21. april 2013


When the winter finally turned  into spring, it was suddenly a lot of work to do in my garden. But I still managed to finish the key project of this spring! I was planning to write a long article about this project, but the Juniper just sucked all the energy out of me. Amazing tree! Maybe I'll write an article at another time ... Juniperus Itoigawa came into my garden from Japan in last April. I chose it from the bottom photo as was on the shelf in one of the Japanese nurseries, but even then I felt that It has the great potential.
Ko se je zima končno prevesila v pomlad, je bilo nenadoma dela v vrtu čez glavo. Pa še osrednji projekt letošnje pomladi sem uspel spraviti pod streho! O tem projektu sem nameraval napisati poglobljen članek, a mi je brin enostavno posrkal vso enegijo. Izjemno drevo! Mogoče malce bolj poglobljeno kdaj drugič ... Brin vrste itoigava je z Japonske v moj vrt prišel lani aprila. Izbral sem ga po spodnji fotografiji še na polici japonske drevesnice, toda začutil, da ima velik potencijal.
I've held it in my arms for the first time a few months later. My feelings were confirmed - the tree had a special energy even in live. In the company of trees for the NTC it has traveled to my garden.
Prvič sem ga v rokah držal nekaj mesecev pozneje. Moji občutki so se potrdili - drevo je tudi v živo izžarevalo posebno energijo. V družbi dreves za NTC je odpotovalo v moj vrt.

After a short analysis at home I realized that the front will probably be just on the opposite side of those on the first photo.
Po krajši analizi sem doma ugotovil, da bo prva stran verjetno ravno nasprotna od tiste, ki mi jo je brin ponujal na prvi fotografiji.
After one year under the sun and complete acclimatization Juniper was ready to styling. How much the crown was increased in one year I found only when I compared the photos. The tree is in great shape, time to work!
Po letu dni uživanja na soncu in popolni aklimatizaciji, je bil brin pripravljen na oblikovanje. Kako velik je bil prirast v enem letu, sem ugotovil šele, ko sem primerjal fotografije. Odlična forma, čas za delo!
First, I spent two days cleaning the crown, 50-60% of green ended on the ground.
Najprej sem dva dni porabil za čiščenje krošnje, na tleh je končalo 50-60% zelene mase.
Then I started  to work on live veins. Cleaning the bark, finding edges of veins and then cleaning.
Potem sem se lotil živih ven. Odstranjevanje odmrle skorje, iskanje robov živih ven in nato čiščenje.

This was followed by wiring and the positioning of the branches.

Sledilo je žičenje in pozicioniranje vej.

After a basic setting of the clouds I started to work on the details.
Po osnovni postavitvi oblačkov je sledilo delo na podrobnostih.
On the otherwise excellent tree now the first left jin bothers me, it is to straight and out of context. I will work on it. Unfortunately, also the attractive ten-jin is hided behind the crown and is only partly visible, but also that has its own charm. I willsearch for a new pot too, of course! But the first phase of preparations for the exhibition is finished!
Na sicer odličnem drevesu me zdaj moti le spodnji levi džin, ki je preraven in iz konteksta. Na njem bom še delal. Žal seje tudi atraktivni ten-džin skril za krošnjo in ga je zgolj slutiti, ampak tudi to ima svoj čar. Pa nova posoda seveda! Toda prva faza priprave na razstavo je končana!
The final portrait:
Še finalni portret:

PS: Beside all of the work, also the school is going on. Amongst others, Uroš came in the studio, he received the basic workshop as a gift and he was immensely happy. On Saturday 27th April you are invited to attend the second meeting of the branch of our school in Maribor!
P.S.: Ob vsem delu se s polno paro nadaljuje tudi šolanje. Med drugimi se je v ateljeju oglasil tudi Uroš, ki je tečaj dobil v dar in bil darila neznansko vesel. Vsi Štajerci pa ste v soboto 27. aprila vabljeni na drugo srečanje podružnice šole Tora v Mariboru!

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