sreda, 7. julij 2010


TORA used this low season for a little self-promotion. We were hosting a TV crew - they will prepare a miniserie for web page. Raje was a director, I was a talking host (as usually), and even under time pressure we were enjoying our time. Work which was done in a four hours (meanwhile Roland came by for help) would usually last for a day or even more ... So, Raje did prepare a material (Juniperus chinensis of course), he drew a sketch and then: Action!

TORA je mrtvo sezono izkoristila za malo samopromocije. Z Rajetom sva gostila televizijsko ekipo, ki bo pripravila mini serijo prispevkov za spletno stran . Raje je bil režiser, jaz sem opravil vlogo govorca (kot vedno, a ne), čeprav pod časovnim pritiskom pa sva vendarle uživala. Delo, ki smo ga opravili v slabih štirih urah (na pomoč je priskočil še Roland), bi ob običajnem tempu trajalo ves dan ali še več ... Skratka, Raje je pripravil materijal (kitajski brin jasno), narisal skico in potem akcija!

This was a starting material

A long-lasting process

Raje working under camera-pressure

Preparing for final shot

The result! Yes, we re-pot it too ...

At the end, after the TV crew left, we find out that this was a speed bonsaism ... But all for fame and promotion, and after all the result was not bad. But we'll still must deal with details! This tree has a bright future!

Na koncu, ko je ekipa že odšla, smo ugotovili, da je tokrat šlo za hitrostni bonsajizem ... Vse za slavo in prepoznavnost, pa tudi z rezultat n akoncu ni bil slab. Čeprav se bomo s podrobnostmi še ukvarjali! Drevo čaka lepa prihodnost!

P.S.: When the story will be published I'll report!

P.S.: Ko bo prispevek objavljen seveda sporočim!

P.P.S.: The first year of Projetto Futuro brunch school is full!

P.P.S.: Prvi letnik šolanja v podružnici Projetto Futuro je poln, prijav ne sprejemamo več! 

2 komentarja:

Anonimni pravi ...

ProJETto futuro? It looks speed is of utmost importance in Tora. ;-)
Brunch? Well, bon appetit, then. ;-)

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

It seems that speed really was in charge today :-) Also in my typing!
But maybe this is not a bad idea - ProJETto futuro instead of Progetto ... Pronunciation is the same, so ...
Well, brunch instead of branch - that is a little different :-)
Thanks for close inspection of my writing, who ever you were!