petek, 25. oktober 2013


Last night the studio wasn't so crowded, but no less enjoyable. Miha leisurely worked on his Pinus cembra, Gašper was involved in the make-over of Chamaecyparis. It was just full of beginners' mistakes - the worse thing were branches with the syndrome of fishing sticks, as well as clouds without any real structure.
Sinoči v ateljeju sicer ni bilo gneče, a zato nič manj prijetno. Miha je ležerno delal na cemprinu, Gašper pa se je ukvarjal s preobrazbo paciprese. Na njej je kar mrgolelo začetniških napak - v nebo vpijoče so bile predvsem veje z sindromom ribiške palice, pa tudi oblački brez prave strukture.

After a few hours the tree got a completely different character. Most of the errors were eliminated, the crown still too dense but nevertheless much better than before. In a further development of the tree crown will be further reduced and the tree will be poted into a suitable container. Chamaecypris is currently planted in a huge rectangular pot in which the tree is barely noticeable ...
Po le nekaj urah dela je drevo dobilo popolnoma drugačen karakter. Večina napak odpravljenih, krošnja še pregosta a vendar veliko bolje kot prej. V nadaljnem razvoju drevesa pride na vrsto redčenje krošnje in pa presaditev v primerno posodo. Trenutno je namreč pacipresa posajena v ogromno pravokotno posodo, v kateri drevo komaj opazimo ...
After, with suitable pot

5 komentarjev:

Anonimni pravi ...

This tree shows a lot of potential after this reworking. The suggested pot size and style looks good. Well done.

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

Thank you! In Tora bonsai school we try to get the best out of any material. Even if it is beginner's material!

Anonimni pravi ...

Tudi "Gregor" mi kar paše. hehe :P

lp Gašper

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

:-) Kaj če bi ostali kar pri Gape?

Anonimni pravi ...

Zmejenu :)