torek, 1. oktober 2013


Red pine is a species that I like very much. It is difficult to find a material which would combine all gloss properties of this species, but nevertheless, each and every one can gain a lot with the time. This one is adorned with incredible old bark. One would watch and watch it, flakes, lichens, wounds of long decades are telling stories. Wabi-Sabi in its deepest sense.
Rdeči bor je vrsta, ki mi je zelo pri srcu. Težko je sicer najti material, ki bi združeval vse sijajne lastnosti te vrste, a ne glede na to, s časom lahko vsak primerek veliko pridobi. Tega krasi izjemna stara skorja. Človek bi jo gledal in gledal, luskine, lišaji, rane dolgih desetletij pripovedujejo zgodbe. Vabi-Sabi v svojem najglobjem pomenu.

Everything else is worse: the movement, especially long branches with needles away from the trunk. It is not quite the everyday material even: there is another thinner trunk. To find a solution in the starting material was a difficult task.
Vse ostalo je slabše: gibanje, predvsem pa dolge veje, z iglicami daleč stran od  debla. Da ne gre čisto za vsakdanji materijal poskrbi drugo, tanjše deblo. Najti rešitev v začetnem materijalu, je bila težka naloga.
Starting material: February 2013
After the first styling I was bothered with many things. On the outside and from a distance the tree may seem good, but the in the crown a mess was hiding and there was a lot of ad hoc solutions. I have overgrown the phase in which I styled a tree in such a way that it is good just on photo. Now, for me is very important that the tree has good structure and thus an excellent starting point for further development. First I make the skeleton, and then I start development. So, after careful consideration, I decided that the lower branch must go, It was among the most forced ones ...
Po prvem oblikovanju me je na drevesu motilo marsikaj. Na zunaj in od daleč je drevo morda zgledalo dobro, toda v krošnji se je skrivala zmešnjava in mnogo zasilnih rešitev. Fazo, v kateri sem drevesa oblikoval le na način, da so dobra na fotografiji, sem prerasel. Zdaj mi je pomembno predvsem to, da ima drevo dobro strukturo in s tem odlično izhodišče za nadaljni razvoj. Prvo postavim skelet in potem se lotim razvoja. Zato sem se po tehtnem premisleku odločil, da mora spodnja veja stran, saj je bila med vsemi najbolj prisiljena ...
After first styling
Mess in the crown that bothered me
After a long analysis I drew the sketch, where I "cut" distracting branch and turned it into a jin. In this way I get a lot more dynamic tree, especially as both trunks come more to the fore and, most importantly, the bark was in the foreground.
Po dolgi analizi je nastala skica, na kateri sem "odrezal" motečo vejo in jo spremenil v džin. Na ta način sem dobil veliko bolj dinamično drevo, predvsem pa sta do izraza bolj prišli obe debli in, kar je najbolj pomembno, skorja je bila v prvem planu.


Now the drawing should be only put into practice. First, a few hours of cutting the old wire off and the preparation of the tree for new wiring. After wiring a new styling and analysis. By removing a large branch the tree is widely opened, and thus showed the number of options. The front is not necessarily the one that I set in the sketch, tree now provides a wider view. At this stage I am not so concerned about that, I was concentrated on to structure of the crown: by shortening of some other branches it has made a great step forward. At this stage I was not interested in detailed styling of needles. It turned out that the decision to remove the branch was correct and now the tree has a good base for further development!
Zdaj je bilo treba skico le še udejaniti. Najprej nekaj ur rezanja stare žice in priprave drevesa na novo žičenje. Po žičenju oblikovanje in nova analiza. Z odstranitvijo velike veje se je drevo na široko odprlo, s tem pa tudi več možnosti. Sprednja stran ni nujno več samo tista, ki sem jo določil na skici, ampak drevo zdaj omogoča širši pogled. V tej fazi se s tem nisem toliko ukvarjal, kot s samo strukturo krošnje, ki je po krajšanju nekaterih drugih vej, zelo napredovala. Tudi milimetersko postavljanje iglic me v tej fazi ni zanimalo. Pokazalo pa se je, da je bila odločitev o odstranitvi veje pravilna in zdaj ima drevo lepo osnovo za nadaljni razvoj!
First front
This front is maybe even better
P.S.: Meanwhile Miha was here for the basic workshop. He did a great job, I hope we'll see us another time!
P.S.: Med tem se je na začetnem tečaju oglasil tudi Miha. Odrezal se je odlično in upam, da se še vidimo!
Miha in action

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