petek, 18. oktober 2013


When the tree is ready to show? This is the question that has probably been asked by every bonsaist. The answer is not easy, nor short. The fact is that the expectations and taste are growing together with the development of the respective author. On what you were very proud just a few seasons ago, now is no longer good. Even for club exhibit. When will be a certain tree for the first time presented to the public depends on many things, but above all, depends on the author's decision. There's another thing - more the author is educated in bonsai, more courage he needs for his or her first show. In any case, it is necessary to prepare a bonsai for an exhibition: tree must be in good shape, wired without errors (if the wire is needed) , bark clean, substrate arranged, pot cleaned and oiled .
Kdaj je drevo pripravljeno na razstavo? Vprašanje, ki si ga je najbrž zastavil že vsak bonsajist. Odgovor ni enostaven in tudi ne kratek. Dejstvo je, da se pričakovanja in z njim naš okus dvigajo skupaj z razvojem posameznega avtorja. Na kar si bil še pred nekaj sezonami nadvse ponosen, naenkrat ni več dobro. Tudi za razstavo nižjega nivoja. Kdaj bo določeno drevo prvič predstavljeno javnosti je odvisno od marsičesa, predvsem pa je odvisno od avtorjeve odločitve. Pa še nekaj je - bolj kot je avtor bonsajsko izobražen, več poguma potrebuje, za svojo prvo razstavo. V vsakem primeru pa je treba bonsaj na razstavo pripraviti: drevo mora biti v formi, ožičeno brez napak (če žico potrebuje), skorja čista, substrat v posodi urejen, posoda očiščena in naoljena.
This time Miha prepared an Azalea for exhibition. He will show it to the public on Sunday in Udine, Italy. The tree is not quite mature yet, the first lower branch should be further extended, in some places crown is already too dense. But for improvements in the tree is always time, because our material is alive. Even the trees winning the largest exhibitions are experiencing new and new improvements, new design and new styling. But everything else on the tree is o.k.: bark, nebari cleaned, moss carefully prepared, pot oiled. Even the table is ready and accent plant also ...
Miha je tokrat na razstavo pripravljal azalejo. Javnosti jo bo pokazal v nedeljo v Vidmu v Italiji. Drevo še ni čisto zrelo, prva spodnja veja se mora še podaljšati, na nekaterih mestih je krošnja že pregosta. Ampak za izboljšave na drevesu je vedno čas, saj je naš materijal živ. Tudi drevesa, ki so zmagovala največje razstave, so doživljala nove in nove izboljšave, nova in nova oblikovanja. Toda vse ostalo na drevesu je b.p.: skorja, očiščen nebari, skrbno pripravljen mah, naoljena posoda. Tudi mizica je pripravljena in spremljevalna rastlina tudi ...
After layer of spagnum moss, Miha carefully added the green moss and fresh substrate
Miha's Azalea in March 2012, right after re-potting in first bonsai-pot

In just one and a half year time Azalea did a great step forward. Great job Miha! This project illustrates what Tora bonsai school is all about!

Roland and Tomaž were studying the mugo-pine

Janez working on his mugo

Nataša finished wiring her red pine

Gašper removed the wire from his cotoneaster
It was another great evening in Tora bonsai school!
Za nami je še en lep večer v Tori!

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