sobota, 27. marec 2010


In the morning I was re-potting Pinus pentaphylla. It really needed help. Mister from Moravče brought it to me for re-potting. In the afternoon I worked on Juniperus with Andrej, last year we gave this tree a name: Argentina. I will not repeat this story for now; we were planning to present this Juniperus at this year's International exhibition in hotel Mons. But Andrej neglected the tree a little, he forgot to pinch it and the season was almost lost. Today we rescued what we can and shaped Argentina again.

Dopoldne sem še presajal beli bor, ki je pomoč res nujno potreboval in ga je v presajanje prinesel gospod iz Moravč, popoldne pa sva se z Andrejem lotila brina, ki sva ga že lani krstila za Argentino. Zgodbe zdaj ne bom obnavljal; načrtovala sva, da bi ga predstavila že letos na razstavi v Monsu. Pa ga je Andrej čez poletje nekoliko zanemaril, pozabil na vršičkanje in sezona je skoraj izgubljena. Danes sva reševala, kar se je rešiti dalo in Argentino ponovno sfrizirala.

Starting material

Andrej working on Argentina

Result ...

We started on warm sun but we ended in garage because evening cold banished us in. We enjoyed our work on good material, chatting and time quickly passed by. Andrej will now decide if the tree will be checked for exhibition or not. If Juniperus will grow fine in next month and we'll pinch it once more then it might be ...

Začela sva na toplem sončku, končala v garaži, kamor naju je pregnal večerni mraz. Uživala sva ob delu na dobrem materijalu, opravljala in čas je minil kot bi mignil. Andrej se bo zdaj odločil, ali bo drevo prijavil za razstavo ali ne. Če bo brin v mesecu dni dobro pognal in ga bova še enkrat zvršičkala, potem mogoče ...

2 komentarja:

Rui Manuel Ferreira pravi ...

Nice Juniperus Communis you have there!!!
The species doesn't work in my climate zone (South Portugal) but yours as a good future!
Keep up the good work guys!!!

Tomaž Kovšca pravi ...

Thank's Rui, we'll do that! Regards to Portugal!