torek, 23. oktober 2012


These days we are enjoying the exceptional weather. I used every spare moment to hike in the mountains, where I enjoyed the breathtaking views: valleys covered with white sea of clouds, the peaks of the Alps are covered with the first snow, larches are pure gold, above all this deep blue sky. Of course I also take advantage of good weather for searching for yamadori and some trees enrich my collection. I hate posting pictures of fresh yamadoris because you never know whether the tree decided to participate or not. This time I'll make an exception - this beech has not yet been touched by no hand, but it is practically finished bonsai :-) Perfect naturalistic style ;-) Well, if it will come to life in the spring, we'll start the path towards true bonsai. But style of this tree will not be questioned - it is born han-kengai!

Te dni uživamo v izjemnem vremenu. Vsak prosti trenutek sem izkoristil za pohajkovanje v visokogorju, kjer so razgledi dih jemajoči: doline pokrite z belim morjem megle, vrhovi Alp so pokriti s prvim snegom, macesni zlatijo, zgoraj pa se bohoti globoko modro nebo. Seveda sem lepo vreme izkoristil tudi za iskanje jamadorijev in nekaj dreves je obogatilo mojo zbirko. Slik jamadorijev nerad objavljam, ker človek nikoli ne ve, ali se bo drevo odločilo sodelovati ali ne. Tokrat bom napravil izjemo - te bukve se še ni dotaknila nobena roka, pa je že praktično dokončan bonsaj :-) Popoln naturalističen slog ;-) No ja, če bo spomladi oživela, bova začela pot k pravemu bonsaju. Res pa je, da pri tem drevesu slog oblikovanja ne bo vprašljiv - rojena polkaskada!

Detail of ancient trunk
P.S.: Don't forget tommorow's lecture!
P.S.: Ne pozabite na jutrišnje predavanje!

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