sobota, 30. marec 2013


Today Grega came to the atelier. As he described himself - he is a Sunday bonsaist ;-)! At this time one year ago we started to work on Prunus mahaleb that as material was not anything special. Nevertheless Grega still falled in love with it and work began. We decided to make it a tall, slender beauty, in the style of Japanese Mume cherry.
Dopoldne se je v ateljeju oglasil Grega. Kot se je sam označil - nedeljski bonsajist ;-) ! Lani ob tem času sva začela delat na rešeliki, ki kot materijal ni bila nič posebnega. Grega se je kljub temu zaljubil vanjo in delo je steklo. Odločila sva se, da jo oblikujeva v visoko, vitko lepotico, v slogu japonskih češenj vrste mume.
Prunus mahaleb, March 2012 - before

Prunus mahaleb, March 2012 - after first styling
One year later, Grega was back in the studio with the same tree. The tree was growing strong  because Grega didn't trim it and it completely lost its shape. Therefore, we put it in order again.
Leto dni pozneje se je Grega z rešeliko torej spet oglasil v ateljeju. Drevo je močno odgnalo, saj je Grega ni sproti obrezoval in povsem izgubilo obliko. Zato sva rešeliko morala spet spraviti v red.
Finally, we have transplanted the tree into the first pot, the Chinese one, blue glazed, which nicely complements the composition. At right back a branch of depth is still missing, but otherwise the character of the tree is exactly as we wanted. Now Grega will have to pay the atention about maintenance of the tree. Prompt pruning during the growing season, fertilising, watering ...
Na koncu sva jo še presadila v prvo posodo, kitajske izdelave, modro glazirano, ki lepo dopolnjuje kompozicijo. Zadaj desno manjka še kakšna veja za globino, sicer pa je karakter drevesa točno takšen, kot sva ga želela. Zdaj se bo moral Grega posvetiti vzdrževanju drevesa. Sprotnemu obrezovanju v rastni sezoni, gnojenju, zalivanju ...

See you in one year time!
Ob letu osorej pa se spet srečamo!

petek, 29. marec 2013


I owe you a few photos from regular weekly workshop of the Tora group. I've been so busy these days that I have not found time to post ... I prefer to be with the trees, not behind a computer! :-) In Wednesday, there was my favorite atmosphere in a studio: we were all very keen to work on the trees and enjoy immensely. This time I'll closely present Miha's acer, Acer campestre. This is very difficult species for bonsai cultivation, as branches harden immediately, while they are very fragile, so that the wiring is very difficult. Exactly one year ago (in a totaly different spring) the tree began its serious bonsai-way, a litle too late though. Also under the watchful eye of Hans Van Mer, who was in the studio in that time.

Dolžan sem še nekaj fotografij s sredine tedenske delavnice skupine Tora. Tako zaposlen sem bil v teh dneh, da nisem našel časa za objavo ... Sem že raje med drevesi, kot za računalnikom! :-) V sredo je bilo v ateljeju vzdušje, kot ga imam najraje: vsi smo zelo zavzeto delali na drevesih in neznansko uživali. Drevo, ki ga tokrat malce pobliže predstavljam je Mihov poljski javor, Acer campestre. Zelo težavna vrsta za vzgojo, saj veje takoj otrdijo, obenem pa so zelo krhke, tako da je oblikovanje z žičenjem zelo zahtevno. Točno pred enim letom (v povsem drugačni pomladi) je drevo že malce pozno začelo svojo resno bonsajsko pot. Takrat tudi pod budnim očesom Hansa Van Mera, ki je bil v ateljeju na obisku.
Miha and Hans studying the tree

Acer campestre, March 2012

A year later, the tree is already in bonsai pot and Miha continue to work on it. On Wednesday he was trying to remedy the mistakes of the past. After careful analysis we found quite a few mistakes, but crown structure still did a step forward. Of course, there is still the top missing.

Leto dni kasneje je drevo že v bonsajski posodi in Miha nadaljuje delo na njem. V sredo se je trudil odpraviti napake iz preteklosti. Po podrobni analizi smo jih našli še kar nekaj a struktura krošnje je vendarle naredila korak naprej. Seveda manjka tudi še vrh.

Maple is a species that does not allow laziness. If you are just a few days late, the new shoots are almost impossible to move.
Javor je vrsta, ki ne dovoljuje lenobe. Če se zgodi samo nekajdnevna zamuda, je nove poganjke skoraj nemogoče usmerjati.

Also others have enjoyed the evening - Janez was concentrated on dead wood on his prunus, Roland on the juniper, Andrej finished his first solo project, also Matej joined us, Tomaž joined the group again after a few months of a forced break ...
Tudi ostali so uživali - Janez se je poglobil v mrtev les na svoji rešeliki, Roland na brinu, svoj prvi samostojni izdelek je dokončal Andrej, pridružil se nam je tudi Matej, Tomaž pa se je v jato vrnil po prisilnem nekajmesečnem premoru ...

četrtek, 28. marec 2013


This were  a very intense days again, full of good company and trees. Even persistent winter can not spoil this good impression. On Tuesday we met again with the boys from the Primorska branch of Tora bonsai school. Progress has been seen in students, everyone is looking forward to the future. Bojan finished wiring his spruce with good potential, Maurizio helped him a lot. Despite of not the most suitable coastal climate, the spruce is strong and healthy, ready for the first intervention. And that Bojan did - the first intervention, the first preparation for the subsequent styling of the tree. All the excess branches were trimmed, primary ones wired, the light and air were let into the crown. So, that was only the first intervention and not the first styling, however, spruce already clearly shows the good potential!
Za mano je spet nekaj zelo intenzivnih dni, polnih dobre družbe in dreves. Dobrega vtisa niti vztrajna zima ne more pokvariti. V torek smo se ponovno srečali s fanti iz primorske podružnice Tore. Napredek je pri študentih že viden, vsi skupaj se veselimo prihodnosti. Bojan je s pomočjo Maurizia dokončal žičenje smreke z dobrim potencialom. Kljub ne najbolj primerni primorski klimi, je smreka močna in zdrava, pripravljena na prve posege. In prav to je Bojan na smreki tudi opravil - prvi poseg, prvo pripravo drevesa na kasnejše oblikovanje. Porezane so bile vse odvečne veje, primarne ožičene, v krošnjo smo spustili svetlobo in zrak. To je bil torej zgolj prvi poseg in ne prvo oblikovanje; kljub temu pa smreka že zdaj jasno kaže, kakšen potencial ima! 
Spruce before first intervention
Bojan and Maurizio working hard

Spruce after first intervention (this was not first styling, just preparation)

Also the other guys have enjoyed the trees, a more or less good material, dominated by deciduous ones!
Tudi ostali fantje so uživali na drevesih, na bolj ali manj dobrem materijalu, še naprej pa prevladujejo listavci!

Yesterday,  Matjaž came to the atelier for the begginers corse. His approach is very analytical, he showed a great interest and desire, so I believe that we see Matjaž again soon. We worked on the "legendary" species, Chamaecyparis which insures a lot of work trough out the season. At the end, we have moved the tree to a more appropriate pot.
Včeraj se je na začetnem tečaju v ateljeju oglasil Matjaž. Njegov pristop je analitičen in študiozen, pokazal je izjemno zanimanje in voljo, tako da verjamem, da se še vidimo. Delala sva na "legendarni" vrsti, grahasti pacipresi, ki Matjažu zagotavlja veliko dela vso sezono. Na koncu urejanja, sva drevo še prestavila v primernejšo posodo.

It is always nice to see happy students!

Vedno je lepo videti zadovoljne učence!

nedelja, 24. marec 2013


With Andrej we continued the story of the juniper, which is unfortunately infected with the fungus, so that its future is uncertain. After the first intervention before the winter, Andrej already cut some infected branches, but a tree still had more than enough branches for the formation of the crown.
Z Andrejem sva nadaljevala zgodbo na brinu, ki pa je žal okužen z gobami, tako, da je njegova prihodnost negotova. Po prvem posegu pred zimo, je Andrej že odrezal nekaj okuženih vej, a vseeno jih je bilo na drevesu več kot dovolj za formiranje krošnje.
December 2012, before first intervention

December 2012, after first intervention

Today, before first styling 

While outside late-winter snowy Sunday passed (24 March!?) Andrej worked hard on his juniper. It is not too big tree, however, required several hours of wiring and engaging with it.
Med tem ko je zunaj minevala poznozimska nedelja s sneženjem (24. marca!?) je Andrej pridno ustvarjal na brinu. Ne preveliko drevo je vseeno zahtevalo kar nekaj ur žičenja in ukvarjanja z njim.

Andrej, working on his Juniper
The first styling is complete. Crown structure is built and from here, it might be still better. The greenery will stiffened by pinching, it will no longer be so leggy, the definition will be better. There is still a lot of work with shari  on the trunk. Natrurally, if Juniper want to cooperate despite the infection.
Prvo oblikovanje je končano. Struktura krošnje postavljena, od tu naprej gre lahko samo še na boljše. Z vršičkanjem bo zelenje otrdelo in ne bo več tako frfrasto, definicija bo boljša. Andreja pa čaka še delo z šarijem na deblu. Če bo brin kljub okuženosti seveda hotel sodelovati. 
After first styling
If not before, I'll meet Andrej again in early April, when the Tora school will be in Maribor. Already on Tuesday we'll continued with Primorska branch under the Solkan bridge!
Če ne prej, se z Andrejem vidiva spet v začetku aprila, ko bo Tora delovala v Mariboru. Že v torek pa nadaljujemo z srečanji v Žogici pod Solkanskim mostom!

četrtek, 21. marec 2013


We, Roland and I, were for two days at the seat of Progetto Futuro school with Enrico Savini. Well, Roland was sick to know how his new tree looks in live :-). And I caught him documenting his first contact with the exceptional tree ...
Z Rolandom sva se za dva dni odpravil na izpopolnjevanje na sedež šole Progetto Futuro k Enricu Saviniju. No, Rolanda je bol zanimalo, kako v živo zgleda njegova nova pridobitev :-) . In sem ga ujel, kako dokumentira svoj prvi stik z izjemnim drevesom ...

If it was difficult for Roland to wait, what must Enrico went trough waiting for his new toy!Exceptional material of the highest level, in a few years this will be a winning masterpiece.
Če je že Roland težko čakal, kaj je moral preživljati šele Enrico ob čakanju na svojo novo igračko! Izjemen materijal najvišjega ranga, v nekaj letih bo iz njega nastala zmagovalna mojstrovina.

We spent the next day in the workshop and worked with Enrico. Endless talkings, analysis and work.

Z Rolandom sva naslednji dan preživela v delavnici z Enricom in delala. Neskončni pogovori, analize in delo.

If a working atmosphere is like this, then it is not hard to work and the day is over in a minute!

Če je delovno vzdušje takšno, potem ni težko delati, čas pa tako ali tako mine kot blisk.

On such occasions I always say: if I've learned one single new thing, then the purpose is achieved. And this time it was more than that!

Vedno si ob takšnih priložnostih rečem: če sem se naučil eno samo samcato novo stvar, potem je namen dosežen. In tokrat je bil več kot samo to!

nedelja, 17. marec 2013


Although spring still seems far away  the new season is in full swing in the studio. Marjan and Žan came to class for beginners and learned some secrets of bonsai art. Emphasis has been put, as always, on the importance of material selection and wiring.
Čeprav se pomlad še kar odmika pa je sezona v ateljeju v polnem teku. Marjan in Žan sta prišla na tečaj za začetnike in spoznala nekaj skrivnosti bonsajske umetnosti. Poudarek je bil, tako kot vedno, na pomenu izbora materijala in žičenju.
Žan is only 15 years old but if he will continued with hard work then beautiful bonsai future awaits him. He showed a lot of talent, so we'll remember this face! :-)
Žan je star šele 15 let a če bo vstrajal, je pred njim lepa bonsajska prihodnost. Pokazal je veliko nadarjenost, zato si tale obraz kar zapomnimo! :-)
Then I focused on the Red pine, from Miha's garden it found its way into my garden and in a year already did quite a few steps. Material was not anything special. Last spring was styled for the first time but I was not happy with design.
Potem sem se posvetil rdečemu boru, ki je iz Mihovega našel pot v moj vrt in v dobrem letu napravil že kar nekaj korakov. Materijal ni bil nič posebnega in tudi obljubljal ni veliko. Lani spomladi je bil prvič oblikovan toda z dizajnom nikakor nisem bil zadovoljen.

So, last fall, at a workshop with Melloni I re-styled it, minimized the crown and pulled the line back to the right. Now I cut off the reserve brunch, removed the plastic and raffia and prepared the pine for re-potting in to bonsai pot.
Zato sem ga jeseni na delavnici z Mellonijem preoblikoval, zminimaliziral krošnjo in linijo potegnil nazaj v desno. Zdaj sem odrezal še rezervno vejo, odstranil plastiko in rafijo ter bor pripravil na presajanje v bonsajsko posodo.

Although it seems to me that in the tree even more potential is hiding, for now this is it. Now I'll devote to a dilemma, whether it be poted in round or rectangular pot ...
Čeprav se mi zdi, da se v drevesu skriva še več potenciala, je za zdaj to to. Zdaj se bom posvetil dilemi, ali naj ga posadim v okroglo ali pravokotno posodo ...

četrtek, 14. marec 2013


Last session of the Tora group was more entertaining than enlightening :-)! Janez was working on his big spruce but in the meanwhile he also took care of good mood for all of us. Even such evenings sometimes are good!
Zadnja seansa skupine Tora je bila bolj zabavna kot poučna :-) ! Janez je med delom na smreki skrbel za dobro voljo vseh. Tudi takšni večeri včasih dobro denejo!
Marija just smiled and worked on her Tilia, Matej was working on his excellent Pinus mugo.
Marija se je le nasmihala in delala na lipi, Matej pa na odličnem ruševju.

Matej's mugo pine has been the subject of analysis, material offers several solutions, we highlighted the two possible variants: semi-cascade and upright form.
Matejevo ruševje je bilo predmet analize, materijal ponuja več rešitev; poglobili smo se v dve mogoči varijanti: pol kaskado in pokončno obliko.


Personally, I think that han-kengai would be much more dynamic and it will took more of the potential of the tree than upright style. But since the tree is Matej's naturally he has the last word on it. And everyone has a different taste. It is important to know what material has to offer and why we decided the way we are. Matej already re poted the pine in an upright position with the intention that it will be designed in this style.
Osebno se mi zdi, da bi bila pol kaskada veliko bolj dinamična in bi potencial drevesa izkoristila bolj kot pokončni slog. A ker je drevo Matejevo ima seveda zadnjo besedo on. In tudi okusi so različni. Pomembno je, da vemo, kaj materijal omogoča in zakaj smo se odločili tako, kot smo se. Matej je bor že enkrat presadil in ga postavil v pokončni položaj prav z namenom, da ga bo oblikoval v tem slogu.
I have been working on Crategus. The tree was collected last year and started to grow really well, now it began a long way to bonsai. I cut all the excess branches, bend thicker ones and wired the new ones in the position. Now comes the creation of new branches and crown.
Jaz sem se ukvarjal z glogom. Lani izkopano drevo je lepo pognalo, zdaj je začelo dolgo pot do bonsaja. Porezane so bile vse odvečne veje, debelejše ukrivljene in nove usmerjene v pozicijo. Zdaj pride na vrsto vzgoja novih vej in krošnje.

An interesting fact is that at least for now Slovenian bonsaists prefer Cottynus over Crategus. Even though it seems to me that the Cottynus is far more difficult to grow in to bonsai because of  the way of its growth then Crategus is. But time will tell!