I owe you a few photos from regular weekly workshop of the Tora group. I've been so busy these days that I have not found time to post ... I prefer to be with the trees, not behind a computer! :-) In Wednesday, there was my favorite atmosphere in a studio: we were all very keen to work on the trees and enjoy immensely. This time I'll closely present Miha's acer, Acer campestre. This is very difficult species for bonsai cultivation, as branches harden immediately, while they are very fragile, so that the wiring is very difficult. Exactly one year ago (in a totaly different spring) the tree began its serious bonsai-way, a litle too late though. Also under the watchful eye of Hans Van Mer, who was in the studio in that time.
Dolžan sem še nekaj fotografij s sredine tedenske delavnice skupine Tora. Tako zaposlen sem bil v teh dneh, da nisem našel časa za objavo ... Sem že raje med drevesi, kot za računalnikom! :-) V sredo je bilo v ateljeju vzdušje, kot ga imam najraje: vsi smo zelo zavzeto delali na drevesih in neznansko uživali. Drevo, ki ga tokrat malce pobliže predstavljam je Mihov poljski javor, Acer campestre. Zelo težavna vrsta za vzgojo, saj veje takoj otrdijo, obenem pa so zelo krhke, tako da je oblikovanje z žičenjem zelo zahtevno. Točno pred enim letom (v povsem drugačni pomladi) je drevo že malce pozno začelo svojo resno bonsajsko pot. Takrat tudi pod budnim očesom Hansa Van Mera, ki je bil v ateljeju na obisku.
Miha and Hans studying the tree
Acer campestre, March 2012
A year later, the tree is already in bonsai pot and Miha continue to work on it. On Wednesday he was trying to remedy the mistakes of the past. After careful analysis we found quite a few mistakes, but crown structure still did a step forward. Of course, there is still the top missing.
Leto dni kasneje je drevo že v bonsajski posodi in Miha nadaljuje delo na njem. V sredo se je trudil odpraviti napake iz preteklosti. Po podrobni analizi smo jih našli še kar nekaj a struktura krošnje je vendarle naredila korak naprej. Seveda manjka tudi še vrh.
Maple is a species that does not allow laziness. If you are just a few days late, the new shoots are almost impossible to move.
Javor je vrsta, ki ne dovoljuje lenobe. Če se zgodi samo nekajdnevna zamuda, je nove poganjke skoraj nemogoče usmerjati.
Also others have enjoyed the evening - Janez was concentrated on dead wood on his prunus, Roland on the juniper, Andrej finished his first solo project, also Matej joined us, Tomaž joined the group again after a few months of a forced break ...
Tudi ostali so uživali - Janez se je poglobil v mrtev les na svoji rešeliki, Roland na brinu, svoj prvi samostojni izdelek je dokončal Andrej, pridružil se nam je tudi Matej, Tomaž pa se je v jato vrnil po prisilnem nekajmesečnem premoru ...
1 komentar:
Nice post. Keep up the good work
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